Ap. Claudius 11

vol. III p.2667-2668

11) Ap. Claudius

Obseq. 28 and Cassiod. name Ap. Claudius as a consul of the year 624 = 130, clearly a consul suffectus (cf. CIL I2 p. 35 on the year 624). The statement from Cicero's de leg. III 42 is usually attributed to the same man: C. Claudio consule de Cn. Carbonis seditione referente [with C. Claudius, the consul, reporting about Cn. Carbo's mutiny]; <60> and so, the first name C. is attached to the consul (eg. CIL loc. cit. completed: C. Claudius C. f. Ap. n. Pulcher, so the brother of nr. 295) and Ap. is removed. Borghesi Oeuvres V 317 then takes this C. to be the father of the Ap. who fell in 672 = 82 (nr. 13) and of C. Claudius Glaber (nr. 165), although the second of those two is a plebeian. <page break 2667/2668> Whereas, Cicero's source could very probably relate to the events of the year 662 = 92 (cf. Lange Röm. Altert. III2 112, 6. Lübbert De gentis Claudiae comment. domest. 25), meaning that the first name Ap. should be kept for the consul of 624 = 130, and that Cicero meant Claudius nr. 302. Because of his first name, this Ap. could be counted in the family of the Pulchri, and could have been a son of nr. 294 or 305. He is probably identical to the Appius Claudius, <10> whom the orator Antonius makes two witty statements about in Cic. de or. II 246. 284, the second of which happened in the senate in 636 = 118 during consultations about the law of Sp. Thorius.


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page first translated: 25/02/19page last updated: 04/01/20