Caci Scalae

vol. III p.1165

Caci scalae

(Κακίου κατάβασις, κλῖμαξ Κακία Diodor. IV 21). In Rome, a staircase which lead from the Palatine to the valley of the Circus Maximus, almost on the western-most point of the hill, which meant that the supercilium scalarum Caci in Solin. I 17 is named as one of the corner points of Roma quadrata; <20> without doubt, it is the same as the ancient staircase which went along a gate to the old Palatine city between the temple of the Magna Mater and the house of Livia (a map in O. Richter Mon. d. Inst. XII tab. VIII A; cf. Annali 1884, 189). As well as this, in the corrupted words with which Plutarch. Rom. 20 describes the position of the casa Romuli - παρὰ τοὺς λεγονέμους βαθμοὺς καλῆς ἀκτῆςοὗτοι δ' εἰσιν περὶ τὴν εἰς τὸν ἱππόδρομον τὸν μέγαν ἐκ Παλατίου κατάβασιν - <30> the name σκάλη Κακίου or something similar must be hidden (as Bethmann Bull. d. Inst. 1852, 40, whose change Σκάλης Κακίης is clearly linguistically inadmissible). cf. Gilbert Topogr. I 46-53. Richter Topogr. 27. 100. A. Schneider Röm. Mitt. 1895, 163. Hülsen Atti dell' Accademia Pontificia N. S. VI 255.


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page first translated: 31/01/19page last updated: 31/01/19