Ap. Claudius Pulcher 294

vol. III p.2847-2848

294) Ap. Claudius Pulcher

As Ap. f. P. n., son of nr. 293, he first served under Flamininus against Nabis of Sparta in 559 = 195 (Liv. XXXIV 28, 10). In 563 = 191, he lead the Roman vanguard towards Thessaly. He successfully misled the king Antiochos about his strength, which meant that Antiochos, thinking that the whole Roman army was there before him, gave up the siege of Larissa at once, and headed back to central Greece; <50> the freed city was occupied by Claudius (Liv. XXXVI 10, 10-15. 13, 1. App. Syr. 16). Later, Claudius took part in the siege of Heraklea (Liv. XXXVI 22, 8), and commanded the vanguard again during the onward march to Naupaktos (ibid. 30, 2). According to Livy XXXVIII 42, 4. 6, he was praetor in 567 = 187, and as praetor he received Tarentum; his brother Publius (nr. 305) had been praetor peregrinus in 566 = 188 (ibid. 35, 2. 10). This would mean that Publius would have become praetor immediately before becoming aedile, <60> which, in terms of the laws of the state, is hardly conceivable. Mommsen (St.-R. I 525, 1) has cleared up this difficulty with the simple assumption that the praetorships of both brothers have been swapped over. As consul in 569 = 185 (Fasti Cap. Chronogr. Idat. Chron. pasch. Liv. XXXIX 23, 1. 52, 4. XLV 16, 8), he fought against the Ligurian Igauni with success, <page break 2847/2848> and returned to the comitia in order to support his brother’s campaign for consul (Liv. XXXIX 32, 4f. 10-12). In the year 570 = 184, he went to Macedonia and Greece at the head of an embassy (Polyb. XXII 16, 4. 17, 1-18, 13, hence Liv. XXXIX 33, 3. 34, 3. 6. 35, 5-37, 21), and in 580 = 174 he went to the Aetolians in the same position (Liv. XLI 25, 5), perhaps also in 600 = 154 he went to Prusias of Bithynia (Polyb. XXXIII 13, 4). <10>


This person is on the following family trees: The patrician branch of the Claudii

page first translated: 27/02/19page last updated: 04/06/19