Claudia 382

vol. III p.2885

382) Claudia

Claudia, one of the daughters of Ap. Claudius Caecus nr. 91, famous from the following anecdote: in the year 508 = 246, when she was harassed by a crowd people when she was returning home from the games, she said aloud that she would like her brother Publius to come back to life in order to lose yet another second fleet (as at Drepana; cf. nr. 304), so that there would be fewer people in Rome. <60> The plebeian aediles punished her for what she said with a fine (Liv. ep. XIX. Val. Max. VIII 1 damn. 4. Ateius Capito in Gell. X 6. Suet. Tib. 2).


This article is referenced by: Ap. Claudius Caecus (91), P. Claudius Pulcher (304)

This person is on the following family trees: The patrician branch of the Claudii

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Next article: Claudia (383)

page first translated: 15/07/19page last updated: 05/01/20