Aquae Sulis

vol. II p. 298


Aquae calidae with the Belgians in the south of Britain (Ὕδατα θερμά, Ptolem. II 3, 13), Aquae Sulis (Itin. Ant. 486, 3), on the street from Londinium to Isca Silurum; now Bath, with a number of ancient artifacts (cf. CIL VII p. 24) <60> and inscriptions in which the dea Sulis Minerva is often referred to, about whose hot springs and worship Solin. 21 (p. 115, 1 Mommsen) reports (most likely quibus praeest Sul Minerva was meant to be written in place of quibus praesul est Minerva).


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page first translated: pre-18/06/18page last updated: 12/04/22