
vol. II p.172-173

Aponius 1)

One of the men proscribed in the year 711 = 42, who handed himself over to his murderers; since in his hiding place, he couldn't put up with τὴν πονηρίαν τῆς διαίτης. Appian. b. c. IV 26.



Aponius, senator in the year 41 CE, Joseph. ant. Iud. XIX 264. Perhaps the same as nr. 8. <20>


Aponius, a show-off under Nero, killed in the year 68, Plut. Galba 8.

[P. v. Rohden.]


C. Aponius Cn. f., one of the prosecutors against M. Saufeius, Milo's gang leader, lege Plautia de vi, Ascon. p. 49, 7.



L. Aponius, eques Romanus e cohorte Drusi (Tiberii filii), Tac. ann. I 29 (the mss. Aponius, vulg. Apronius), probably different to the consul of the year 8 CE, L. Apronius. <30> An official L. Aponius under C. Caesar, the son of Augustus, on an inscription of Béziers, Revue épigr. du midi de la France I 328, 313. A slave of a L. Aponius CIL VI 9333.

[P. v. Rohden.]


Q. Aponius, a Roman knight, one of the leaders of the Pompeiani in Spain against Caesar in the year 708 = 46, Dio XLIII 29.


C. Aponius Motulus (Μότυλος), said to be ἐκ τοῦ Σαυνιτῶν γένους καὶ αὐτὸς δόξῃ καὶ πράξεσι τοῦ ἔθνους προέχων in the extract from Photius from Diodorus (XXXVII 2, 6), <40> and is the second of the two consuls which the Italians elected at the beginning of the Marsic war; more correctly he is rather C. Papius Mutilus, cf. his article.



Aponius Saturninus, praetor under Gaius, Suet. Gai. 38. Perhaps the same as nr. 2.

[from suppl. XVI p.9]


M. Aponius Saturninus, landowner in Egypt (Rostowzew Gesellsch. u. Wirtsch. in röm. Kaiserreich II 295).


[from vol. II p.172]


M. Aponinus, an Arval Brother in the years 57-60, promagister 66 CE, CIL VI 2039-2042. 2044. <50> Perhaps the son of nr. 8 and the same man as the following (nr. 10).


M. Aponius Saturninus (M. Aponius Tac. hist. I 79; Aponius Saturninus II 85. 96. III 5. .9. 11), consular legate of Moesia (cf. also hist. V 26) in the year 69 CE, because of the siege of the Roxolani he recieved a triumphalis statua from Otho (Tac. hist. I 79), he tried to kill his legion's legate Tettius Iulianus following private disputes (hist. II 85), he hesitated at first to move away from Vitellius (hist. II 96 III 5), <60> but then lead the legio VII Claudiana to Verona himself to protect Antonius Primus (hist. III 9), though he had to flee from Verona to Patavium because of rebelling soldiers (hist. III 10-11). Later, he seems to have been proconsul of Asia according to a Phrygian inscription, Journ. hell. stud. IV 1883, 415, 30 = Americ. journ. archeol. I 1885, 146. <page break 172/173> Furthermore, cf: A. Platorius Nepos Aponius Italicus Manilianus C. Licinius Pollio (CIL V 877). In the rescript from Marcus and Lucius to Apronius Saturninus (frg. Vatic. 168), perhaps Aponius should be read instead of Aponius.


Aponia Sex. et M. l(iberta) Tertulla from Ariminum, who lived 137 years, Plin. n. h. VII 163 (vulg. M. Aponius). There is also an Aponia Tertulla on an inscription from Peltunium, CIL IX 3446. <10>

[P. v. Rohden.]

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