Antheus 1

vol. I p.2376

1) Antheus

An epithet of Dionysos in Patrai, where the god was worshipped in the temenos of a heroine as Mesataeus, Antheus, and Aroeus simultaneously; at the Dionysia, the three cult images were brought into the sanctuary of Dionysos Aisymnetes. The names supposedly come from the ancient places Mesatis, Antheia, and Aroe, Paus. VII 21, 6; cf. 18, 2-4. 19, 1. Gerhard Griech. Myth. § 443, 8c. 457, 3f. Thraemer in Roscher's Myth. Lex. I 1093. <10> Other people derive Antheus, as well as the epithets Anthios and Euanthes, from Dionysos' link to plants. Lobeck Paralip. 164. Pott in Kuhn's Ztschr. VI 329. Schirmer in Roscher's Myth. Lex. I 368.


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page first translated: 08/08/19page last updated: 12/02/21