Claudius Attalus 65

vol. III p.2676

65) Claudius Attalus

Governor of Thrace under Commodus (Dio LXXIX 3, 5; Münze von Pautalia, Mionnet Suppl. II 373 nr 1008). During the war against Pescennius Niger (193-194), <40> Septimius Severus expelled him from the senate (perhaps because he had allowed Niger to lay siege to Byzantium while he was still legatus in Thrace, cf. Ceuleneer Essai sur le règne de Sept. Sévère 1880, 68); Caracalla (211-217) took him back into the senate again. Under Elagabalus (218-222) he was proconsul in Cyprus, and he was killed in his province under this emperor's orders, because at one point when he was governor in Thrace, he had insulted P. Valerius Comazon Eutychianus, <50> who had become all-powerful under Elagabalus (Dio LXXIX 3, 5. 4, 3); cf. nr. 67.


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page first translated: 25/02/19page last updated: 04/01/20