M. Claudius 24

vol. III p.2670

24) M. Claudius

The praenomen Marcus is unusual for the patrician Claudii, but the Fasti Cap. refer to the decemvir Appius (nr. 123) as Ap. f. M. n. Since they considered the decemvir as the son of the first Appius Claudius who emigrated into Rome, and not as the grandson as later accounts do, then we can't go with Lübbert (De gentis Claudiae comment. domest. 9) and consider Marcus to be his only correct praenomen. Instead, he corresponds to the father of the first Appius (cf. Schwegler R. G. II 569, 2), <20> and is, of course, just as made up as Volesus Valerius, the father of Poplicola, or other ancestors of the consuls who appear first in the Fasti, and trace back to the period of kings and are completely unknown.


This article is referenced by: Ap. Claudius Crassus Inregillensis (321)

This person is on the following family trees: The patrician branch of the Claudii

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page first translated: 19/07/19page last updated: 04/01/20