A. Manlius Vulso Capitolinus 100

vol. XIV p.1224-1225

100) A. Manlius Vulso Capitolinus A. f. Cn. n.

He was a military tribune with consular power 349 = 405 at the beginning of the siege of Veii (Fasti Cap. preserved in full, Liv. IV 61, 1f. and Diod. XIV 17, 1 only with praenomen and nomen), for the second time 352 = 402 (Fasti Cap. preserved in full with a number, Liv. V 8, 1 and Diod. XIV 38, 1 as before, though Livy has a number) and for the third time 357 = 397 (Fasti Cap. only preserved: A. Manlius A. f. C[n. n. ...] Liv. V 16, 1: A. Manlius without any number; according to 17, 2-4 he was forced to step down from his role along with his colleagues on account of a flawed election. Diod. XIV 85, 1 differs with Κόϊντος Μάλλιος, though likely only mistakenly, <page break 1224/1225> since the same name also turns up in the following year 358 = 393 [nr. 99]), then 360 = 394 it also turns up for one of the three envoys who brought the votive offering from the spoils at Veii to Delphi (Liv. V 28, 2: A. Manlius; the names of the envoys are missing in the rest of the reports).


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page first translated: 30/12/18page last updated: 23/04/22