Cost: 1 Legend.Dice Pool: None.
Type: Reflexive.
By planting your feet on the ground and being determined to stay there, you can make yourself immovable. As long as you hold your position, for the rest of the scene you are immune to Knockback and Knockdown and cannot be lifted except by someone with more Epic Strength than you have (Earth Boons).
Cost: None.
Dice Pool: None.
Type: Persistent.
You have become a friend to the stone and soil of the world, and they avoid harming you when they can. You gain +6 successes to resist any physical hazard that involves natural stone or soil, or falling from great height onto natural stone or soil.
Earth Two
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
Even the tallest mountain will be worn down by time, and a Scion with this boon has taken the power of those hundreds of years into a single moment. By spending a point of Legend, she may reduce the effective soak by half of anything stone, metal, or gemstone as she weakens and wears away at it’s structure. She may also bolster it against such wear and tear, doubling the soak by half. If the Scion chooses to use this power on a weapon, she may give it a +4 bonus to its accuracy for the remainder of the day as she removes the tiny inconsistencies and imperfections that might cause it to waver, or a -4 negative as she causes it to become pitted and unwieldy
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
Your growing mastery over the earth has allowed you to mold natural stone, dirt, and minerals like they were clay upon a potter’s wheel. You may affect and shape up to 5 Cubic Yards (Per Earth Boon you possess) of earth however you desire. Shaping anything more than a handful takes several long minutes of focused attention.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
The earth as a nurturing figure, nurturing generations of Deities descended from it, or just nurturing the plants that grow from rich loamy earth, is a common trend through humanity. Among Scions following the path of the personified planet, these themes are common as well. In any scene the Scion is present, all beings gain +2 Fortitude, and +2 Medicine as the planet nurturers all life in the area.
Earth Three
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent.
The earth, commonly one of the first to come into existence in cosmological beginnings, is ancient and unwavering. Mountains, ravines, cliffs, and other great features of the planet seem eternal, even if science disproves such a feeling. But, in the face of Divinity, this feeling of timeless stalwartness is echoed. Beings with this Boon gain +2 Successes to all Fortitude and Integrity related rolls and values as they become as stubborn and unmoving as mountains. Additionally, the Scion gains a -0 Health Box.
Cost: 1 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Earth + Command
Type: Miscellaneous
Small spirits of the earth, dwarves, goblins, and other beings who dwell in the planet can be called up by Scions. These beings can assist the Scion by simple means until sunrise, such as running errands or manual labor in exchange for gold in some form. For every three Successes on the activation roll past the first, the Scion may call upon another being.
Cost: 1 Legend per use.
Dice Pool: Earth + Investigation
Type: Miscellaneous
The land as a living, breathing figure with their own thoughts and personality is a thread repeated a number of times across the world. A Scion walking in the steps of Gaia, Danu, Geb, Mokosh, and all the other personified earth Deities can echo this sentiment to a degree by allowing their consciousness to drain from their body and into the world beneath them. After activating this power, the Scion gains awareness of the features of the landscape in a mile in every direction per Earth Boon they possess. Ravines, cave systems, and such large features are immediately sensed, with the Scion being able to roll their Earth + Investigation to search for a specific feature, such as a buried sword, a vein of gold, or a buried body.
Earth Four
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Earth + Academics
Type: Miscellaneous
The earth holds many precious things deep in its embrace. Gold, iron, rubies, and more are held deep, and valued highly by both humanity and the Gods themselves. A Scion with this Boon may call forth some of the earth’s bounty, the area’s most precious geological resource will burst forth from the ground. For every Success gained on the activation role of the power, the Scion can generate 1 million USD worth of material, through exchanging it for money is another issue. If the Scion is not in want for money, they can instead use this Boon to cause a stone natural to the area to burst forth, weighing roughly 1,000lbs per Success.
This Boon may also be used to cause the earth to vomit forth an object to the surface. To do this, a Scion must be aware of it’s exact location (Assumption of the Land, Earth 3, can do this). If a Scion is aware of the exact location of the object, they may use this Boon to cause the land beneath them to shift, and deposit the object (may not call forth living beings) in close proximity to the Scion.
Cost: 1 Legend
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
Even as the earth nurtures life, it can at times do the opposite, such as when the Titans were crushed between the embracing Gaia and Ouranos. With a touch, a Scion may protect another from dangers such as this, imparting the Stonewise (Earth 1) Boon to them for the rest of the Scene.
Cost: 3 Legend
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
The impenetrable nature of the earth can be bypassed by a Demigod, growing in their power over soil and rock. By activating this Boon, the ground swallows up the Scion, leaving them in a small pocket under the earth. At this point, the Scion may move along the X, Y, and Z access with no effort, the passage growing and opening up to allow passage, the tunnels collapsing quickly and neatly behind them, no evidence of their passing present underground or on the surface. This is no faster than a Scion’s Speed, increasing with any other method of increasing Speed such as Lightning Sprinter.
Earth Five
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
Life blooming from the fertile shores of the Nile, the Euphrates, the Tigris, and other such places of extreme fertility are images burned into the cultures of people of those lands. As a Demigod of the earth, they may bring this same extreme fertility to a land by blessing the earth. In a Scene where this Boon is activated, all uses of the Fertility Purview gain the activator of this Boon’s Earth Rank as Autocussesses. Additionally, the area in which this Boon is used is blessed, doubling the rate of growth of all plant life in the area for a number of years equal to the user’s number of Earth Boons.
Cost: 4 Legend and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Earth + Brawl or Survival
Type: Miscellaneous
Sandstorms, Slides, and Quakes are all dangers that humanity faces from the earth, and with a snap of their fingers, a stomp of their feet, or a clever quip, a Scion can bring forth a disaster if the situation is right. By activating this Boon, paying the cost and making the activation role, the Scion may chose to add a hazard to the scene from the earthen world around them going awry. Quakes, slides, and sandstorms are the three major disasters that this Boon can provoke. This Hazard lasts the Scene.
Earth Six
Cost: 3 Legend
Dice Pool: Earth + Art
Type: Miscellaneous
Tales are told of great earthworks being built by giants and Gods, and a Scion with this Boon may emulate them. By paying the activation cost, the Scion may begin an Extended Roll to call forth a construction with each roll costing five legend and taking ten minutes of work, or focus by the Scion, requiring a number of Successes based on the rough size of the building, with the chart below used as a guideline.
If the Scion runs out of legend to spend, or otherwise chooses to stop the creation before it is finished, the partly formed building remains until removed, or finished by another use of this Boon where the Successes are gathered. (This can be done by the same being that began the construction, or a different one.)
Cost: 3 Legend and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Earth + Investigation
Type: Miscellaneous
Many of the Pantheons held their Underworld, as the common name suggests, under the world. To many of these cultures, caves had a clear meaning: entrances to the Underworld. A Scion with this Boon can, when standing in the mouth of the cave, reveal the hidden paths leading to the Underworlds of the Gods, able to set off and lead those they bring with them through caverns where the light of dawn has never reached to a desired Underworld, though reaching an Underworld tends to be the easy part of such trips.
As a note, just as many Underworlds reside under the earth, many, as well, do not. This power does work for these Underworlds though, such as Mag Mell, and the realm of Sedna, but the Lords and Ladies of these non-subterranean Underworlds will likely see those who arrive with this Boon in a less than favorable light for bending cosmologies.
Earth Seven
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
Their power having grown greatly since they began down the path of the Gods and Goddesses of rock, and soil, a Scion with this Boon is able to wield their earliest gifts with even more power.
Wealth of Erebus - Change the value per Success to Billion USD.
Root of the Mountain - May activate this Boon on willing others.
Erosion - Now removes or doubles an object’s soak, and when used on weapons the bonus and penalty values are now 6.
Assumption of the Land - You are now aware of all beings making physical contact with the earth.
PETRIFY ●●●●● ●●
Cost: 8 Legend and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Earth + Presence (vs. DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
The visage of the gorgons would turn all those who gazed upon them to stone, not an strictly uncommon thing in the mythic world. With a gesture, a Scion may turn another to solid stone, petrifying them to stand immobile for all eternity. When a Scion uses this Boon, they are treated as attacking their target with an Earth + Presence roll, dealing Aggravated Damage (thus the target can only use half their Soak DV). For every point of Aggravated Damage that the target sufferers from such an attack, reduce their Speed by one until the end of the scene. Anyone killed by this damage becomes a rather dramatic looking statue, forever frozen in the last position before they turned to stone.
Alternatively, this Boon can also be used to reverse the effect of Petrification from this Boon or other sources. If the user can overcome the highest roll made to petrify the target, a Scion with this Boon can turn stone back to flesh and bone, awakening the being.
Earth Eight
STONESKIN ●●●●● ●●●
Cost: 8 Legend and 2 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None.
Type: Miscellaneous (Body)
With a snap of their fingers, a God or Goddess of the Earth may turn themselves entirely into an earthen material such as stone, iron, diamond, and such. In this form, they are colossally durable and capable of great feats of strength. When this Boon is active, they add their Earth Boons to their Soak DV, and as Autosuccesses to all Stamina and Strength rolls. She may only use one Body type boon at a time.
Cost: 18 Legend
Dice Pool: Earth + Command.
Type: Miscellaneous
With the roar of stone cracking, a God or Goddess of earth can command the world to open its maw and swallow up a target, be it a person, or a city. When this Boon is activated, it is chosen if it is targeting a specific being, or an area ten yards wide per (Earth Boon). Either way, all Divine beings who would be affected must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll to attempt to escape the area (or Control if appropriate). If Successful, those beings escape the sinkhole and are safe, if not, the being takes an attack of the activation role against their Soak DV or Dodge DV as they hit the bottom of the pit, and then find themselves (Successes) kilometers underground in a cavern at the bottom of the pit.
Finding their way out of the sinkhole is their own issue. Though, the Deity using the Boon can chose to close the upper half of the sinkhole to make things more difficult.
All mortals affected by this Boon die without some form of Divine Intervention.
Earth Nine
Cost: 20 Legend and 4 Willpower
Dice Pool: None.
Type: Miscellaneous
Patrons of mountains, cliffs, caves, and other earthen locals, the Gods and Goddesses of the earthen world can mark a specific geographic feature as their own. Examples of this would be the Paps of Anu, or Mount Fuji. After claiming such a site, the Deity receives an indelible link of Fate (a five Dot Fate) connecting them to the site, but also allows them some benefit.
Firstly, all prayers to the God or Goddess uttered in the local are far louder, the Deity far more likely to pay attention. Though, this is more of a benefit for pilgrims than the Deity themself.
More beneficially, the Deity gains their Earth Boons in Successes to all other rolls while inside the area of this Boon. All of their powers are substantially empowered while on their home turf, so to say.
THE LAND ITSELF ●●●●● ●●●●
Cost: 18 Legend and 2 Willpower
Dice Pool: None.
Type: Miscellaneous
Ireland is Danu, the earth is Mokosh, Gaia, Jord, and Geb. It is made of the body of Ymir, Cipactli, and Tiamat. All of these facts are true, though they contradict each other, such is the nature of the Divine. By taking this Boon, a Scion joins the ranks of these Deities, (quite possibly provoking political issue if the Pantheon already has someone who is the world.) and can activate this power to heighten this connection for a time.
When a God or Goddess activates this Power, their body immediately vanishes, eaten up by the earth, or otherwise disposed of for the time. At that point, the ‘body’ of the Deity is now the land below the Scene. In this state the Deity is effectively immortal short of large scale environmental damage which could cause damage, and they can now focus their perspective anywhere in this area to see and hear as if they were present, with Epic Perception functioning normally. Additionally, they may activate any Earth Boon for the normal cost anywhere in the Scene.
At the end of the Scene, the Deity’s body reappears at a place of their choosing in the area they previously were.
Earth Ten
IN THE BEGINNING... ●●●●● ●●●●●
Cost: 30 Legend and 6 Willpower
Dice Pool: None.
Type: Miscellaneous
The world was forged, by Odin and his brothers, by Marduk, or any of the others who created the planet. This Boon emulates this primordial power, capable of raising islands out of the sea, flattening mountain ranges, carving canyons to dwarf the Grand Canyon, all at the wave of the Deity’s hand.
As a note, doing many of these things is likely to cause a massive amount of political issues with other Earth Deities if the user strays into what they consider their territory. Additionally, none of these changes cause the mass ecological damage they normally would, and there are no civilization destroying earthquakes. Fate seeing to it that everything manages to, somehow, work out.
EARTHBREAKER ●●●●● ●●●●●
Cost: 24 Legend and 2 Willpower
Dice Pool: None.
Type: Miscellaneous
The rage of the Divine is a disturbingly common thing for humanity, one of the most obvious signs of displeasure is the Earthquake. Planting their trident into the ground, stomping their feet, smashing the ground with their fists, or however else they chose, the Deity unleashes a colossal earthquake, causing massive infrastructural damage.