
Arete means 'Excellence', and was valued highly in ancient Greece. Excellence in combat, in oration, in poetry, in politics, and every possible facet of life. Every one of the Theoi is expected to be excellent, for they are the greatness personified. The Theoi value their greatness highly, their most hideous, Hephaestus, is still more beautiful than any mortal could hope to be, and every one of them is unmatched in their areas of expertise among the Gods.

When a Scion first buys Arete, they select three different Abilities they want their Arete to effect. Each Dot of Arete that the Scion buys gives them a cumulative +1 success to all rolls and derived values based on that Ability, making the Theoi consistently better and more skilled than other Gods in these specific areas.

Since no one's character develops as they expect, and it would be unfair to force someone to make such a restrictive choice at character creation, when a Scion applies the Demigod, and the God template, they may alter their Arete to better match the direction their character is going.



Cost: None

Dice Pool: None

Type: Persistent

Add Arete Rank as successes to three Abilities. These Abilities are first locked in at Character Creation (or the first time the Scion purchases Arete), and may be changed when they become Demigods, and Gods.


Many people have talked about Arete being boring, which, it sort of is compared to other PsPs. What should be kept in mind however is, with Scion 2.0, almost all dice adders are gone. The Theoi, on the other hand, have free dice adders they get at an absolute steal and stack on top of those that still exist. The Theoi are really good at what they do, they are just better.