
Associated Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Brawl, Integrity, Occult, Survival

Associated Powers: Animal, Epic Strength, Fertility, Stars, Thunder, Water

The protector of the Overworld, and of earth, Tishtrya protects all from the forces of evil as a amazing stallion, though he is not always a horse, and when he is not actively combating the forces of evil, is humanoid like his fellow Gods. Just as many of the Yazata, Tishtrya has an integral role in the sustaining of humanity, bringing rain to earth so that the land is damp and ready to allow the plants that the other Gods help to flourish are able to grow at all.

Once, long ago, a horrible demon, Apaosha, brought a drought to the world, killing countless animals and humans as the water of the world was destroyed and vanished by the evil will of the creature. Tishtrya immediately set out as a wondrous white stallion to do battle with Apaosha, who became a great black stallion. As the two fought to a standstill over a period of three days, humanity lost faith, and sacrifices ceased to flow to Tishtrya, weakening him, and almost guaranteeing the victory of the demon. But, seeing this, Ahura Mazda himself gave sacrifice to Tishtrya, and he gained the power to defeat the evil creature and return rain to the world.