
Associated Abilities: Animal Ken, Awareness, Command, Politics, Presence, Thrown

Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Justice, Prophecy, Sky, Storms

The all mighty King of the Gods, Zeus overthrew his father and saved his brothers and sisters from his stomach. He rules with an iron fist, his justice final, and absolute, though Zeus also has many infractions against his own laws. His rationalization for this is that he is the king, and it is impossible for the king to break the laws. He makes them, but he is in no way intended to abide by them. His many affairs have produced the majority of the Major Gods of his Pantheon, and a colossal amount of their Minor Gods, and the effect that this has on Hera apparently goes unreguarded by Zeus, though he does appear to love his third wife a great amount.

What hangs eternally over the head of Zeus is the prophecy that he too will be overthrown by one of his sons. Defeated, maybe slain, and defiantly deposed from his throne. He is constantly vigilant for one of his sons who is talented at wielding thunder and lightning, entirely ready to kill one of his children in order to keep his rule secure. Desperate to fight Fate and escape the punishment of his Grandmother, Gaia, for imprisoning her children. Just as his father, and grandfather before him did. One hopes that this Prophisised son will realize the folly of this, and accept their giant, and stranger, cousins with open arms and equality.