
Associated Abilities: Academics, Art, Awareness, Fortitude, Occult, Thrown

Associated Powers: Animal, Epic Intelligence, Epic Perception, Epic Stamina, Magic, Psychopomp

The jolly elephant headed God guides humanity as a patron of knowledge, and a remover of obstacles in all the senses that the world could describe. He is one of the most wily recognizable of the Deva across the face of the globe for his distinctive elephant head and large belly. His most recognizable feather was not how he originally was, though, for his father struck off his orignal head when he was an infant, and could not find it again when his wife cried out over the killing, and resurrected his son with a hastily gathered head of an elephant that had the poor luck of being the first thing Shiva managed to get his hands on as a replacement.

He has sworn never to harm anything without reason after accidentally harming his mother when she was disguised as a cat, and is a great aficionado of candies, having eaten so many once that when he fell his stomach split open, causing the moon to laugh so hard that Ganesha broke off a tusk and hurled it at the moon, and ceasing it to rise until humanity asked him to allow it to return to the night sky.