Characters with Epic Strength are capable of truly impressive feats. Each new dot of Epic Strength increases maximum lifting capacity and the maximum range of thrown objects by increasingly ridiculous amounts. Furthermore, characters add their Epic Strength successes to their maximum vertical leap distances in yards. Characters always have maximum horizontal leap distances equal to twice their vertical leap distances.Epic Strength also dramatically increases the effectiveness of most types of combat. Characters add their Epic Strength successes to their attack roll when striking with brawl attacks and melee weapons. (Thrown and Marksmanship attacks use Epic Perception instead, unless certain strength knacks are taken which allow you to exert your strength through the things you launch at enemies).
Brawling Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
The Scion’s natural strength and supernatural prowess is so great that her hands are like a steel vice. She now inflicts lethal damage with brawl attacks, unless she chooses to intentionally deal bashing damage by declaring it before she makes her attack roll.
Cost: 1 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
Type: Reflexive
Prerequisite: Crushing Grip
The Scion with this Knack has strength far beyond the human body’s ability to withstand, and she is able to damage opponents as seriously as if they’d been struck with a weapon. She may add her dots of Epic Strength as successes to her brawl attack roll, and she takes no damage from striking substances that might harm her.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl (vs DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Divine Wrath
The Scion with this Knack has become an unstoppable force of violence, with hands that can rend steel and flesh with equal ease. She makes a strength based brawl attack, which can range from a crippling joint strike to a bone shattering punch in the face. This attack causes aggravated damage, and if she successfully deals aggravated damage then she may inflict a permanent injury such as a missing eye or severed arm. Such maiming can only be repaired through the use of Regeneration or Health Boons that can heal aggravated damage.
Force With Finesse Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
A master of balancing power and results, the Scion with this Boon can hit as hard as a train or as deftly as the fall of a snowflake. She has complete control over her strength and never risks accidentally breaking things in moments of surprise or stress. She may also deal any amount of damage she wishes when she attacks with a physical weapon, up to the maximum she actually rolled on her attack.
Cost: 3 Legend per scene
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Force With Finesse
The Scion's control over her strength is so great that it can physically affect the very air molecules around her. For the rest of the scene, she may make a brawl or melee attack gesture - a swipe of her sword, a punch, or even a simple flick of the fingers - and focus her strength into the air around her to strike someone from a distance of ten yards per dot of Epic Strength.
Holy Bound Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
The Scion with this Knack combines strength and athletics to become a vaulter to put Olympians champions to shame. She may double the normal distance she is able to jump, and cover such distances with facile ease.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Holy Bound
By channeling prodigious strength into her legs, the Scion may jump one hundred times the distance she would normally be able to manage, making truly epic feats possible. When doing so, she moves her Horizontal Jump distance every tick until she finally reaches her destination. If she is knocked off course while jumping, she immediately begins to fall out of the air and must roll (Dexterity + Athletics) versus a difficulty of her Epic Strength successes in order to avoid injuring herself upon landing.
Holy Rampage Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
Instead of attacking her fellow man, the Scion with this Knack specializes in property damage, able to break just about anything she comes across with a little concerted effort. She may ignore ½ Soak DV of any inanimate object she attempts to demolish. Walls and mundane weapons shatter like twigs to her.
Cost: 1 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
Type: Reflexive
Prerequisite: Holy Rampage
The Scion is now a destructive force in her own right, able to wreck the most impervious of objects with a little determination. She may completely ignore the Soak DV of any inanimate object she attempts to demolish. Towering buildings and great mountains mean nothing to her.
Knockback Attack Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Strength + Ability (vs DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
By choosing to channel her attack into force instead of trauma, the Scion can send foes reeling from the impact. The ability depends upon what she makes the attack with (brawl, melee, thrown, or archery-style marksmanship). She makes a strength based attack roll that causes no damage, but instead smashes her target backwards. She hurls her opponent 10 yards away from her for every success on her attack roll that exceeds their DV.
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Ability (vs DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Knockback Attack
The Scion has learned to diffuse her strength into causing giant shock waves that explode from her attacks. The ability depends upon what she makes the attack with (brawl, melee, thrown, or archery-style marksmanship). She makes a single strength based attack roll and compares the result to the DV of everything within ten yards of the target. She hurls everything 10 yards away from the impact site for every success on her attack roll that exceeds their DV.
Lifting Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
By planting her feet and concentrating, the Scion with this Knack may lift amounts far beyond her normal capacity and astound those who underestimated her. She may double the amount of weight she is normally able to lift.
Cost: 2 Willpower per scene
Dice Pool: None
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Uplifting Might
Like the monolithic Titan for whom this Knack is named, its effects allow a Scion to lift unheard-of amounts of weight. For the rest of the scene she may lift up to five times the amount she would normally be able to (which has already been doubled from Uplifting Might). She becomes able to hoist monsters, natural formations, and small buildings with ease.
Marksmanship Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
A Scion with this knack has mastered the art of exerting her supernatural strength upon a bow or similar weapon, allowing her to strike with incredible power behind every shot. She may use her Strength and Epic Strength with all archery-style marksmanship attacks she makes.
Cost: 1 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
Type: Reflexive
Prerequisite: Shoot The Moon
Only an archer with staggering strength can get this kind of destructive power out of simple arrows. She can use this knack to launch an arrow or similar projectile with enough force to punch through enemy armor as if it were tissue paper. She may completely ignore Armor Defense on her marksmanship attack roll.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Marksmanship (vs DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Armor Piercer
An arrow launched by the Scion carries such terrible momentum that it explodes through every mundane obstacle to strike her victim. She makes a strength based marksmanship attack, which can range from compound bows to a blowgun. This attack causes aggravated damage, and absolutely destroys any mundane cover between herself and her target. Trees are toppled, shields are broken, and even skyscrapers will have a hole blown through them.
Melee Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
The incredible strength of an augmented Scion is more than most objects can bear; weapons and even buildings crack and break at inconvenient times. This Knack allows a Scion to lend some of her own hardiness to any object she uses as a weapon. It will not break, no matter how hard she strikes someone with it or how fragile it might normally be considered.
Cost: 1 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
Type: Reflexive
Prerequisite: Titanium Tools
Now that her weapons no longer shatter with every blow, she can transform her weapons into engines of destruction. A melee weapon that normally inflicts bashing damage now causes lethal damage instead, while a melee weapon that already inflicts lethal damage adds her dots of Epic Strength as successes to her melee attack roll.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Melee (vs DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Anvil-Splitter
The Scion can transform every ounce of her terrible strength into a single bone shattering strike. She makes a strength based melee attack, which can range from a heirloom katana to a billboard plucked from the interstate. This attack causes aggravated damage, and if she successfully deals aggravated damage then she may inflict a permanent injury such as a missing eye or severed arm. Such maiming can only be repaired through the use of Regeneration or Health Boons that can heal aggravated damage.
Stalwart Cling Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
The grip of the Scion has become almost unbreakable. She may add her dots of Epic Strength as successes to any attempt to win a grapple or resist being disarmed.
Cost: 2 Willpower per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Athletics
Type: Reflexive
Prerequisites: Stalwart Cling
Many weightlifters and bodybuilders can manage quick bursts of strength, but a Scion with this Knack goes much further, becoming able to sustain her prowess well beyond human norms. While performing any Strength + Athletics action, she may spend the requisite cost to continue that action continuously for a number of days equal to her successes. While she is dedicated to this specific feat she suffers no penalty from lack of food, water, or sleep. These benefits banish if she ceases to perform this feat.
Throwing Knacks
Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Type: Persistent
The Scion with this knack is a tightly wound spring, able to launch thrown objects with enough strength that she can strike with equal force at any distance. She may use her Strength and Epic Strength with all thrown attacks she makes.
Cost: 1 Legend per attack
Dice Pool: None
Type: Reflexive
Prerequisite: Hurl To The Horizon
A Scion can marshal such tremendous strength into her thrown attacks that no foe is completely safe from her wrath. She can use this knack to pierce through even the thickest armor that her foes are hiding behind. She may completely ignore Armor Defense on her thrown attack roll.
Cost: 5 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Thrown (vs DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
Prerequisite: Mighty Heave
An object thrown by the Scion becomes a brutal meteor that shatters through every mundane obstacle and leaves a smoking trail. She makes a strength based thrown attack, which can range from billiard balls to powerful thunderbolts. This attack causes aggravated damage, and absolutely destroys any mundane cover between herself and her target. Ordinary walls are exploded, armor is shattered, and even mountains will have a hole blown through them.
Miscellaneous Knacks
Cost: 2 Legend per use
Dice Pool: Strength + Ability (vs DV)
Type: Miscellaneous
So powerful are the blows of the Scion that she may easily smash through several opponents at once with a single attack. The ability depends upon what she makes the attack with (brawl, melee, thrown, or archery-style marksmanship). She makes a single strength based attack roll and compares the result to the DV of up to three different targets within range. Damage is inflicted upon each target independently based upon her threshold successes.