
Associated Abilities: Athletics, Command, Fortitude, Integrity, Melee, Survival

Associated Powers: Chaos, Earth, Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Guardian, Thunder

The supreme guardian of the sun, Set is both one of the most required Deities in all of creation for the Egyptians, and one of the most hated by Isis' and her family. Set, wielding his great iron spear, fends off Apep every single night, and the one night where he had to take a break to be present for the birth of one of his children, swooped in and carved open the belly of the beast to save his fellow Gods who had been consumed while he was away. For this, Set has a large degree of protection, for not Horus, Sekhmet, or any of the other warriors on the barge are as able as Set is to fight the beast every single night and never wane against its might.

The reasons behind his assassination of his brother Osiris are shrouded in mystery, and unknown to all but the most interested of Gods who seek out the knowledge themselves. But, whatever his reason, Set, the mighty warrior and defender of the universe against the coming darkness, has suffered great character assassination by Isis, and has no way to support himself in the political world when even his wife has cared for Horus and kept him safe from Set's hands.