
Associated Abilities: Animal Ken, Medicine, Melee, Occult, Presence, Survival

Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Death, Fertility, Magic, War

Freya, one of the captives exchanged in the Æsir-Vanir war is now one of the most involved in the lives of those living in Asgard. Wearing the magical necklace Brisingmen, her cloak of feathers that allows the wearer to turn into a falcon, and riding in her chariot pulled by two cats, she draws the eye of many with her great beauty, and so many have tried to take her hand in marriage, even though she is already married.

She is a great wielder of the women's magic Seidr, and claims half the valiant dead taken by her Valkyries to her hall of Sessrumir where they live out their afterlives. Her fate is not known in the events of Ragnarok, so she may still be able to escape the doom unlike her poor brother.