
Welcome to the Scion 2.0 Project!

Guides represent individuals whose own fateful momentum has left a permanent mark upon the destiny of your character. Any being who has had a meaningful impact upon your life, or influenced how you interact with the rest of the world may be considered a Guide. They might be a trusted childhood friend, a wise old mentor, a beloved romance, or even a rival that wants to see you dead. Their lessons have been etched upon your soul, and improve you or your powers in some way. Each dot of Guide grants the same benefits as buying a dot of Relic, except they cannot be used to channel a Purview. The primary difference is that guides are actual people with needs and desires of their own. You can sometimes call upon them for faves, but you should expect them to call upon you for favors more often, or be placed into extreme danger and need to be saved. A guide who has been permanently destroyed no longer grants any benefits.

Example Guides

Here is a link to a few guides that we have used in our own games. Feel free to mine them for ideas in your own games.

Potential Guides

As presented, here is a list of potential Guides that one could use in their own game, either for use by PCs or as NPCs, sorted by Pantheon. Of course, this does not mean that an Irish Scion could never receive an Egyptian Guide, for there could be countless reasons for such a thing to happen, they are just sorted in this order so that navigation can be simplified. The exact bonuses given from these Guide are not given, and are, at their core, just a fleshed out idea that a Player or Storyteller could give stats to, changing them so that they fit into any setting or tailored to fit with any Scion.


Odin - The Allfather himself, a wise man, and a powerful warrior, watches the Scion from his high throne, and sends them advice through Hunin and Munin. Whatever machinations the God is preforming, it is no doubt in the mind of any that the Scion is a key piece in them, with the Allfather paying such close attention to them. Odin can bring wisdom to Scions, Hunin and Munin whispering in their ears, but he can also give one of the more potent gifts of the Norse Gods, the powers of the Berserks. Odin can 'bless' the Scion with an rage and pain inspired battle fury where they slaughter their enemies one by one, cleaving through them with great bestial strength.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, and he can either slowly give the Scion knowledge by teaching them the secrets of the runes, or inspire more ferocious battle rages on them.

Wayland the Smith - One of the most skilled blacksmiths in Norse tradition, matching skill with the Dwarves, though he is far less greedy than the stout creatures, Wayland can mentor a Scion, showing them the secrets of the forge, and how to create great objects. Wayland is an incredibly vengeful person though, and it would be wise for Scions to avoid causing themselves to be the focus of his ire, for he descended into acts of great cruelty the last time he did. Wayland would be a good source for new Relics and upgrading already existing ones if the Scion needs it as well.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, and Wayland can continuously teach the Scion in question more and more secrets of the forge to help them on their way.

Idun - The Goddess Idun is kind, and gentle, giving all of the Norse Gods their eternal youth through her magical apples. When Norse Scions undergo Apotheosis, Idun comes to them and begins to give them her apples, happy to help one of the new members of the Divine family. She gives the gift of eternal youth, which makes the Aesir spry and gallant, untouched by the centuries. While this is normally represented with the Eternal Youth Knack, Idun and her apples could augment other powers in order to represent how young and healthy the God or Goddess now is.

This Guide is appropriate for a God of the Aesir, Idun giving them her apples so they are untouched by the blemishes of time. But, she may give her apples to someone less than a Deity, but it would have to be a very special circumstance to cause her to circumvent her normal rules.

Bragi - The Skald of the Norse, Bragi has a tongue of honeyed words, speaking of the great deeds of the other Norsemen in the halls of Asgard. He sometimes will take up the cause of a rising Scion who has proven themselves, and begin to speak of them in the halls of Asgard, listening to the mortal world for their great deeds so he can bring fresh stories to the halls of his forefathers. Bragi can provide great social benefit to the Scion in question, with the God effectively working as his Public Relations person with the Divine, telling Asgard, and any visiting Gods how amazing they are, and what they are doing. If someone wished to change the opinions of the Norse on something, doing so through Bragi would probably be the most effective method.

This Guide is appropriate for a Demigod of the Aesir, though if the Scion does something truly breathtaking as a Hero, Bragi may take notice of them before that point.


Marduk - The Great King of the Anunna, Marduk watches over his Pantheon Keeps the Best Eyes on his subjects to guard them from the evils of the world, and rules over them with the justice of heaven. He is the most recent of the Divine Kings of the Anunna, And the Most Powerful and Greatest, and wields the Tablets of Destiny after he took them from the body of the defeated general of Tiamat Who was Soundly Defeated by Great Marduk. He is one of the most powerful The Most Powerful of All Storm Gods, wielding great lightning empowered by his Me, and is always happy to watch over a Scion from his home in high heaven. He can watch over their Fate from his tablets, and can, on occasion, strike down an enemy with a Great Divine bolt of lightning.

This Guide is appropriate for a Demigod of the Anunna, or possibly a Hero who drew Marduk's attention somehow. He can help the Scion on occation by dropping a bolt of lightning from the heavens, which he will be more willing to invest more effort into the more devoted (the number of Dots put into him) the Scion is.

Nemesis Beast - The Anunna have issues with monstrous creatures. They fight them at every turn, great beasts born of Tiamat, the Mother of Monsters before Great Marduk The Best God defeated her and built the world from her body. Sometimes, the Scions of the Anunna repeat these issues they have with monsters, and will develop a nemesis creature who hounds them, and always manages to escape before the Scion can strike them down. These repeated attacks can improve the Scion in any number of ways, ranging from physical boosts, to better perceptive capabilities, to improving some Purviews.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Anunna, though it would likely be more interesting if they gained this Guide early on so the Nemesis Beast could have as much screen time across their stories as possible.

Lamassu - Much like a Guardian Angel from Christianity, the Lamassu, great winged bulls with the heads of men, are the personal Gods of every living being. A Scion's Lamassu can be empowered by Marduk to be an even greater guardian of them, For Marduk is Wise and will do this for Little Children, both physically, able to buffet away an attacker once per combat as they stand above their Scion, invisible and incorporeal, and attempt to advise the Scion on the best course of action, serving as something like an additional layer of conscience.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Anunna, though it would be an often given blessing by Marduk to his Scions to be sure they are being watched over properly, and given the royal treatment as they so deserve.

Lamashtu - Technically a Goddess, though one who has likely had some great deal of Titanic corruption seep into their soul, Lamashtu is the origin of the myths of Lilith, and she is a menace to pregnant women and children. She may either decide that she will Guide a Scion, trying to twist and corrupt them as she had been before, or she may fill an antagonistic role with a more noble Scion who attempts to thwart her. She will offer great power, in exchange for infantile cannibalism from those she guides, which is probably going to be far too much for sane Scions, and as a nemesis, she could improve a Scion's Virtues as they combat such a monstrous Deity.

This Guide is appropriate for a Demigod of the Anunna, for before that point, she is both unlikely to care enough to try to corrupt a Scion, or a Scion is too weak to attempt to take her as a Nemesis.


Mososits - The first Scion of the Bogovi is tasked to eternally watch over the gates of the Underworld for the crime of existing, something that he is not particularly pleased with, but knows it is only just for he is illegal. He will often take up watching over Bogovi Scions who pass him by, entering the realm of Veles, though his reasons for doing so are unknown. He can help a Scion hone almost any of their powers, Mososits having had centuries to figure out hundreds and hundreds of little tricks, and he can keep an eye on those who enter Veles realm in case someone significant to the Scion passes by.

This Guide is appropriate for a Demigod of the Bogovi, though if they break into Veles realm before being a Demigod, very brave Scions are they, but they could possibly catch Mososits attention.

The Grey Wolf - A massive Grey Wolf has seemingly adopted the Scion on his own accord. Thinking back to the competence of the last person that The Grey Wolf began to keep an eye on, this may be some sort of insult. But, even if it is, The Grey Wolf has taken it on itself to make sure the Scion doesn't manage to get itself killed, or fail in its quests. He watches over the Scion from a distance, and attempts to explain to them their failings so they can do better the next time they try, though he explains everything in a slow, simple voice as if he were talking to a toddler. The Grey Wolf is a massive wealth of information though, and is particularly cunning, able to help Scions think like himself.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Bogovi Scion, though it would be entirely reasonable to take him as a Retainer as well.

Byelobog - The God of Light and Good Things, Byelobog is the opposite of Chernobog, and will attempt to mentor a Scion in the ways that things should be done. He is very sympathetic towards the Scions of the Bogovi, possibly knowing what the plan is for how to deal with them when the War is over and the Titans are once again bound, which does cause a fair bit of chatter and concern among the rare Scions of the Russian Gods. Byelobog is best at showing Scions how to control radiant light, and the green growing things of Spring.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Bogovi Scion, the God watching over one of the poor souls of the illegal Scions.

Chernobog - The God of Darkness and Bad Things, Chernobog is the opposite of Byelobog, though is still one of the Bogovi and holds the laws of the world as great and important. He is more spiteful towards the illegal Scions of his people, and enjoys taunting them with the fact that he knows what will become of them if they are successful at sealing the Titans away once more. His constant antagonism, the God apparently having nothing better to do, serves as both a reminder of how illegal they are, but can further empower the Bogovi Virtues, the Scion knowing that whatever is to be done to them, it would set balance to the universe and the Divine Laws once more.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Bogovi Scion, though Chernobog's constant antagonism could drive some Scions up the wall.


Kali - Fearsome Goddess of slaughter and bloodshed, Kali is though too a mother Goddess as the vast majority of the Deva are. She cares for her worshipers, and followers, and watches over them, though her appearance to help them is sometimes more terrifying then what they need saving from. If she encounters a like minded Scion, someone who she can find a common ally with, she can take them as a charge of hers, even if the Scion doesn't want to be mentored by her. Kali holds one of the more powerful secrets of the Deva, and is more likely to share it than her husband. She can teach Scions the Earthquake Dance, something that takes long to master, but she is happy to share it with those who see the world the same way as she does.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Deva Scion, though a Demigod is more likely to draw her attention. The Earthquake Dance is a Star Dot power that a Scion can slowly build up, it is a colossal augment of the Shockwave Knack line from Epic Strength.

Ganesha - One of the most worshiped Deva, the remover of obstacles is a jolly God who will happily watch over Scions, occasionally appearing to dependence amazing advise, and sharing some of his sweets with the Scion. Ganesha is both able to teach a Scion many wondrous things, for he is a keeper of great knowledge, but can also teach Scions how to wander the world unbound by restraints and obstacles. He can improve Psychopomp with little difficulty, helping Scions to traverse the world.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Deva Scion, and the jolly God can help the Scions with many of their problems, even ferrying them across the world if the reason is good enough.

Hanuman - The Monkey God is a cunning warrior God who is happy to dependence his knowledge onto Scions, but also teach them the ways of the warrior. Hanuman is a God of amazing strength, and is able to mentor Scions to follow in that path. Any comparisons between himself and Sun Wukong are hastily waved away, Hanuman assuring the Scion that he has never met the Monkey King, though one does have to wonder about their great similarities. This Guide can easily help improve a Scion's Strength or Dexterity Knacks, especially those that have to do with Speed and Lifting Capacity.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Deva Scion, Hanuman likely to appear on behest of another Deity to mentor their child.

Yami - The fearsome sister of Yama who watches over the underworld with her brother who she fell in unrequited love with may take up a Scion as a ward of hers, watching over them from the underworld, and possibly giving them some leniency if they were to die. If the Scion is particularly hard working, she may become enamored with them, possibly the reason she began to Guide them in the first place, and the Scion will have to deal with the issues that exist due to this. She can help a Scion with their mastery of Death, and may be able to help them get in contact with some of their past lives deep inside their mind.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Deva Scion, though if a Deity asks her to watch over their Scion, it is likely that someone is trying to set something up.


Cleopatra - Though the was technically Greek, the Egyptians claimed the soul of Cleopatra. It was incredibly touch and go when her heart was weighed against the feather of Ma'at, some suspecting that Anubis or Thoth tipped the scales slightly for one reason or another. Either way, Cleopatra is sometimes bound to a Scion as a ghost to Guide them in her particular method of politics, something which she quite often muses that these new low cut tops really does help with. Cleopatra is a good Guide for any Scion who wishes to play the role of a political seducer, gaining power through their physical appearance, though it is likely that Cleopatra will attempt to seduce the Scion she is bound to, as she tends to do with powerful people, and the child of a God or Goddess is likely the best step forward she will have politically until she can drop the Scion for a true God.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, though if Cleopatra can get a God wrapped around her finger by some colossal strike of luck, she will likely drop any Scion she is watching over.

Imhotep - An ancient Scion, Imhotep spends his days with Osiris, having passed through the gates of Duat without any difficulty, and with only a slight bit of bias and help from the Gods. He is an incredibly wise Demigod, both able to help Scions who wish to heal, and design great things. He is happy to play the role of adviser once again, and hopes that he will be bound to the Scion so that he can see the great marvels of mortal engineering in the modern era. He is a good mentor, and will be patient and kind for Scions who don't understand his ancient ways of thinking, though will always attest to the fact that he is right about them.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, though he is most likely to ask for detours on the Scion's travels if he is bound to the Scion as a Retainer at one point to look at modern wonders of the world.

Apep - The great enemy of the Netjer, Apep is a colossal snake of pure, unforgiving darkness who attempts to consume the sun every single night as it travels through Duat. With the most powerful warriors fighting against him, every night is a struggle against the great Titan. A powerful warrior Scion who undergoes Apotheosis is likely to be drafted onto the Solar Barge for its nighttime travels through Duat to help ward off Apep. In these many combats with their unrelenquishing foe, a God will grow skilled in the art of violence, and defending the Sun, the adversity of Apep making them stronger. Though, Apep is likely to take them as well as a Guide of his own.

This Guide is appropriate for a God of the Netjer, though if by some chance a lower Legend Scion fights Apep on the Solar Barge, and survives, they could take Apep as a Guide.

Isis - The great mother Goddess watches out for her family, ready to strike any down who get in her, or her family's way, including other Gods and Goddesses. She is most likely to mentor a child of Horus, knowing her son is not responsible enough to look after his own child, and will teach them her many secrets, though not the True Name of Ra until they themselves are a God as well. Isis protects Scions she mentors, giving them blessings to ward against those who seek to harm them, though all who have Isis as a mentor and guardian must know that she is using them as a pawn in her great game.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, though Isis is entirely going to take advantage of any goodwill the Scion has, and will insist they despise Set and the rest of the Old Guard with every fiber of their being.


Eshu - The Trickster God, and conduit of all Divine and Mortal connections, it is by Eshu's permission do Scions of the Orisha even exist, an gain their powers. He keeps an eye on all of these Scions, though he will sometimes take particular interest in one of them. As a mentor, Eshu happily jumps back and forth between the line of ally, and nemesis, though if a Scion ever does anything but treat him with respect despite this, they will make a powerful enemy instantly. Eshu will teach Scions how to peer into the future, and show them how to best deal with the other Orisha, ultimately, being an incredibly helpful ally, especially since the other Orisha will think twice about going after someone watched over by Eshu.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, though Eshu will no doubt be a source of much annoyance for any Scion who takes him as a Guide.

Obatala - The compassionate God who is likely one of the kindest of the Gods, caring for others deeply and hoping them well. He will watch over a particular Scion, hoping to raise them up, and when he is able, casting his Divine might down to heal, guide, and protect his charge. Most helpfully, since Obatala created every single being and their Destiny, he is in a unique position where he can advise Scions on how to fulfill it without being a Oracle himself. Obatala will try to heal Scions under his charge when he is able, represented through giving a Scion access to some healing Health Boons once per Story to be used on themselves or another being.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, and Obatala will watch over them with care, and forgive them for any transgressions. If he appears in the mortal world, his demeanor is likely to have him mistaken for Jesus.

Shango - The King of the Orisha, even if the others just agree to it since if they don't they would have to deal with Shango stomping around and starting trouble, is a proud father and is likely to watch over every single one of his Scions with a close eye for both any signs of decent, where upon he will do everything in his power to ruin their lives, and to help them if they don't appear to be a threat to his rule. Like many Storm Gods, he will drop a bolt of Divine Lightning if his Scions require it enough, though this is something that is incredibly rare unless they have developed some form of rapport (how many Dots have been invested into him).

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, though Scions of Shango are most likely to have him as a Guide.

Oshun - The sensual mother Goddess, Oshun is always on the look out for a new toy. If a Scion attracts her attention more than being the wife of Shango does, there is the risk that Oshun may leave the King for the Scion, though they would have to be unfathomably lovely if this were to happen before their Apotheosis. Either way, it is not unlike Oshun to groom some up and coming Scions for husband material, hopefully one who is more modern and less likely to assaulting his wives than Shango is. This grooming tends to be making the Scion in whatever kind of person Oshun wants them to be, though she will also attempt to intervene if the Scion is about to die if they have proven themselves a useful enough investment of her time and effort.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, though taking Oshun as a Guide is opening a can of worms that can't be closed.


Tlazolteotl - The Goddess of filth is likely to test each Teotl Scion at least once, appearing and attempting to lure them into an act of sexual deviancy, or what the Aztecs believed to be sexual deviancy, such as using birth control, being gay, or any one of a number of things. Some Scions find themselves constantly tested by Tlazolteotl, her testing their willpower time, and time again, coming up with new plans to try to trip them up, something which tends to build up a colossal amount willpower in her target as they time and time again resist her advances. Some other Scions are unlucky enough to be what the Aztecs deemed sexual deviants, and they will have to fend off constant attempts at murder from Tlazolteotl, if they somehow manage to hide it from the other Teotl, or have them turn a blind eye. In this case, the repeated attempts on their life can make the Scion strong as well, ready to hold back anything that could come for them.

This Guide is appropriate for any level of Scion, though taking Tlazolteotl as a enemy would be incredibly dangerous.

The Four Hundred Rabbits - The Four Hundred Rabbits are all Gods of Drunkenness, four hundred being the equivalent of the Aztecs saying 'a billionty gillion', a non-infinite number that is the largest easily referenced. For whatever reason, these four hundred lesser Gods have decided that the Scion needs to lighten up, something rare for the Aztecs, and continuously appear to get the Scion wrecked, even if they don't want to. Just having one of the rabbits around tends to make someone quickly drunk. The Scion who has these constant annoyances quickly can build up a colossal tolerance to all toxins, such as alcohol, in order to prevent themselves from falling to a folly as Quetzalcoatl did before.

This Guide would be appropriate for any level of Scion, though they may be labeled as an alcoholic even though they never drink due to the interventions of the rabbits.

The Night Sky - To an Aztec Scion, staring up at the night sky is the same as staring out over the formations of a gathered army. Everything hanging there save for Quetzalcoatl's star is their enemy and wants to destroy them. Seeing this can fill some Aztec Scions with dread, but for others is steels their Virtues, ready to pay any cost, fight to the last breath to hold off the evils of the night from the Fifth World. Though this Guide can never directly interact with the Scion, taking this Guide likely means that they will become a target of the Star Demons to represent this enmity between themselves and the night sky.

This Guide would be appropriate for any level of Scion, though a Demigod may be best, for most Teotl Scions don't see the night sky as an enemy until they have been more swayed to the Aztec way of thinking.

Mictecacihuatl - The lady of Mictlan is widely worshiped as Santa Meurte still, though human blood no longer flows for her. She will sometimes take up a Scion as someone to be valued and taught by her hand, teaching a Scion the ways of Mictlan, how to rule over the dead, and giving them a slightly more welcoming home in Mictlan if they are to die. She is not likely to allow even a Scion who she has been mentoring free from her halls, though if they need to enter Mictlan for one reason or another, she may be able to speak to her husband and have them assisted.

This Guide would be appropriate for any level of Scion, though interactions with her are likely quite strange, for she was groomed from birth to be her husband's wife.


Hera - The Queen of Heaven is a figure famed across all the Western World, beautiful, and terrible to those who raise her ire. She is the bane of any of her husband's bastard children, hounding them at every opportunity, and her husband's grandchildren from illegitimate sources receive a fragment of the same ire. In the face of this adversity, the anger of the Theoi Scion is no doubt going to be raised against her, but a smart Scion knows they can't lash out against her. Instead, to take their vengeance, they can be the perfect step-child despite all of this adversity, making Hera appear ungrateful and damaging her image. In the face of Hera's adversity, a Scion can steel their mind, and become the perfect faithful spouse, and niece or nephew to the Queen of Heaven, able to take their revenge in a constructive way.

This Guide would be appropriate for any level of Scion, though any child of Zeus is going to have Hera hounding them immediately.

Athena - The Goddess of war, pone to bouts of pettiness, Athena watches over her city of Athens, and is known for helping Scions and important mortals, serving as anything from a subtle adviser, to a blatant right hand in battle. Athena brings a gift that many of the warriors of Olympus bring to Scions they watch over, the Aristeia, a Divine Fury where a Scion can accomplish amazing feats in battle, though the horrible tragic fate that haunts the Scions of the Theoi is soon to follow after, Fate seeing the rise before the fall.

This Guide would be appropriate for any level of Scion, Athena watching over many, though the power of the Aristeia can only come to a Scion once per Story.

Chiron - The ancient mentor of Heroes, Chiron is a very different sort of Centaur, not wild and lusty as his kin and instead wise and patient. He was known to train Heroes in times long past, though he was poisoned with an arrow coated in the venom of the Lernaen Hydra and his body turned into stars to save him from the pain. Though incredibly distant, he has been granted the ability of the Gods to visit others in their sleep, and speaks to his charges as they rest, watching over them all day and explaining to them how they could have done better at night. He is kind, though incredibly old fashioned, and doesn't care for the modern world's values.

This Guide would be appropriate for any level of Scion, though if a Scion can find a way to cure the venom of the Hydra, Chiron would be able to be turned back into flesh and blood so that he can truly live once more.

Achilles - The young Hero who chose a glorious death over a fruitful life, Achillies has wandered the Underworld in the fields of Elysium for thousands of years. With the escape of the Titans, and all hands called to combat, Achilles has been bound to a Scion of Hades by the King of the Dead to do his best to mentor the Scion in battle, to become the great power that he was in times long past. Achilles is an incredibly angry young man, and encourages his charge to take risks, larger, and larger ones as time goes by. He is pleased that his story has lived for as long as it has, as the Prophecy spoke, but he longs to return to the world to fight again. If he is given a chance, he would in a heartbeat.

This Guide would be appropriate for a Hero Scion, though if Achilles was somehow brought back to life, if Hades would free him, he would be an incredibly powerful Retainer, though somewhat dangerous to be around when he is infuriated.

Tuatha de Danann

Manannan mac Lir - The Sea God has played the role of Foster Father to countless Heroes of the Tuath of the mainland. The wise old man may be old in his ways, and gruff at times, but he watches over his Foster Children with a close eye, being sure that they have everything they need, and are taught how to properly be one of the Irish. He will show a Scion under his care how to take a head, how to drive a chariot, how to fight, rule, speak with eliquence, and many other things. He sends his Foster Children back out into the world with Relics from his seemingly endless trove, expecting great things of them.

This Guide would be appropriate for a Hero Scion, being taken as a Foster Father in the background, or having been picked up by him at their Visitation. Manannan can give nearly any bonus thinkable to his Foster Children, having a massive amount of political sway, and tricks up his sleeve.

Scáthach - The Warrior woman who taught CuChulain in times long past has been bound to the Scion by Manannan, the Champion having been taken by Ogma to his lands on her death, not claimed by Donn. She can teach Scions how to wield the monumentally powerful Gae Bolga properly, but even more importantly, can show them the secrets of the Riastrad, or Warp Spasm. A horrible technique where the Scion becomes an uncontrollable horrific monster, slaughtering everything that they see in their fury.

This Guide would be appropriate for a Demigod Scion, the gifts she brings incredibly powerful and only trusted to Scions who have proven themselves capable.

The King of Cats - An entirely normal appearing orange tabby save for the fact that it has a golden crown sitting in its head, and speaks. The King of Cats has apparently decided that the Scion is one of their servants, and needs to be taught how to do things properly, for they obviously are entirely incapable and need his advise, the poor dear, they are trying so hard. The King of Cats is, as one would suspect, a lazy cat who is utterly positive that the entire world revolves around themselves, and ignores Gods as things not as important as himself. He will show Scions how to move quietly, and the many other secrets of cats that sometimes are useful tricks, and are sometimes seemingly pointless anecdotes. He has knighted the Scion though in his court, although what this does is entirely unknown asides from having to feed the King of Cats whenever he comes over and owing him services in battle. The Scion wasn't given an option in this.

This Guide would be appropriate for any Scion who has proven themselves in the eyes of the Irish. The amount of effort he puts into helping the obviously helpless Scion growing as they get into more and more dangerous situations.

Orna - The sword of Ogma, taken from the body of the Formori king during the Tuatha's invasion is unlike many other swords, it is incredibly talkative. Orna will recount the deeds of any who have wielded it in the past, sharing many secrets with the Scion, and teaching them a seemingly endless number of tricks, ranging from combat maneuvers, to magics. Orna has been wielded by many in its long life, and has seen many things, making it a surprisingly good source of information as well, though the sword is incredibly judgmental of the modern values of the Scion and recounts embarrassing moments the Scion has had at the least opportune moments to show its displeasure.

This Guide would be appropriate for any Scion of the Tuatha, though it can also be taken as a Relic Sword.


Zoroaster - The Prophet of Zoroastrianism is without a doubt an incredibly important figure, and in times of war such as these, where Scions are required to be bartered for, and awoken even if they are not following the tenants of the Yazata, his need is great. Zoroaster is the greatest teacher of the ways of Zoroastrianism with exception to the Gods themselves, and when confronted with a Scion who is unknowing in the ways of their parents, he is the greatest response. Zoroaster, while having an ancient mentality, will teach the children of the Yazata the ways that they should live their life without a moment's pause.

This Guide would be appropriate for any Scion of the Yazata, though taking him as a Guide earlier rather than later would be wise, for the Yazata are likely to want to show one of their Scions the right way to live before they are a Demigod.

The Sun - Once an enemy of Mithra, the Sun was defeated by the noble God, and serves him now. The Sun is sometimes sent to his Scions to serve them as Guides, teaching them how to best wield the great powers of light, though is always subtly attempting to suggest the Scion should lean towards the powers of blistering heat and scorching rays that it once long ago inflicted on the earth far below. The Sun, of course, does not descend to mentor the Scion, but if the Scion prays, and stares up at the Sun, they can hear its voice coming from the blinding light.

This Guide would be appropriate for any Scion of Mithra, or his wife's adopted children. Though, the Sun's efforts to lean the Scion towards its old ways may just be some sort of test, but could hint at a darker source.

Atar - The Purifying Flame, Atar is sent to teach Scions when they have fallen from their graces, or have managed to grow powerful without learning the ways of the Yazata. Atar does not have a sense of humor, and is entirely ready to subject Scions to the purity of his flames to allow them to serve the Yazata in their war against lies. He is able to keep Scions pure, and focused on the task at hand, making them forces to be reckoned with, pious and noble, combating the forces of evil everywhere they go.

This Guide would be appropriate for a Demigod Scion, or greater, though his teachings may not be particularly welcome.

Airyaman - The Yazata who gathered ten thousand healing herbs to help combat Angra Mainyu's plague that was set on the world, Airyaman has been tasked with teaching a Scion every single one of these, and their healing properties. They are a rigorous teacher, though they are kind, and teach the Scion every opportunity the two of them have to sit down and discuss. They often bring the Scion out into the wilderness to see if the Scion can find some of the herbs growing naturally as they did long ago.

This Guide would be appropriate for a Hero Scion, though higher tier Scions would still be entirely able to be mentored by Airyaman.