
Associated Abilities: Art, Empathy, Larceny, Medicine, Presence, SurvivalAssociated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Manipulation, Health, Magic, Water

Goddess of neigh-unfathomable beauty, Oshun is, and has been, the wife of many of the different Orisha at different times. She is life, both as a mother, and as the fertile rivers that flow through the land, awakening the earth all around them with life and vegetation. She is a vibrant Goddess, becoming enamored with Gods just as they become infatuated with her, though both fickle and vengeful, losing interest, and cursing those who would displease her with misfortune, as she did with the Orisha just after creation when they ignored her and did not allow her to partake in their budding society.

Oshun took on a different mantle as one of the Loa, and became Erzulie just as many of her fellow Gods had taken on new aspects to watch over their people in the new far reaches of the world. Scions of Oshun may have been born of Erzulie, but as she is just Oshun in a different guise, they have all of Oshun's associated powers, and Oshun is their Divine Parent.