Associated Abilities: Academics, Empathy, Integrity, Larceny, Politics, Stealth
Associated Powers: Animal, Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Psychopomp, Sky, Stars
The Feathered Serpent may be the most inhuman, physically, of the Teotl. Only sometimes appearing as humanoid, more commonly as a colossal snake covered in feathers. He is a cunning trickster of his Pantheon, and where his brother is a force of destruction, Quetzalcoatl is a balancing force. Not truly creating, but distracting his brother, and causing enough problems that the Jaguar God's emnity is focused on himself, if not their collective enemy.
He created humanity from the bones of the previous races who walked and ruled in the previous four worlds, sneaking into the Underworld and stealing them out from under the nose of the Lord and Lady of the Dead. The bones were dropped in the escape, and therefore only the shards could be used, making humanity of inconsistent height, and altogether shorter than the giants who used to live in the prior worlds. His brother, The Black Tezcatlipoca once got his brother four hundred rabbits drunk (a unit of measurement of intoxication with 'four hundred' being the same as a modern day use of 'a million billion' for a unfathomably large, but not infinite number). In this state, he raped his sister, and when he awoke the next day, so utterly horrified and ashamed of what he did, he self-immolated, and made himself into the Morning Star.