Epic Attributes
Your dots of Ability serve as a cap to the number of successes you can gain on any roll or derived value. If you have 5 dots of Epic Intelligence but only 4 dots of Occult, then you would only count as having 4 dots of Epic Intelligence when adding automatic successes to an (Intelligence + Occult) roll.
LIFTING TABLEThe following table details the amount of weight that you can lift and carry, and the distance you can effectively throw it. Your Lifting Capacity is equal to your (Strength + Athletics) / 2 + Epic Strength Successes.
When throwing objects that are large or clearly not intended for throwing, subtract the Lifting Capacity required for the object's weight from your Lifting Capacity and compare the result to the table. For example, if Anita's Lifting Capacity is 20 and she wants to throw a tank weighing 20 tons, she subtracts 15 (the Lifting Capacity required to lift the tank) from her 20 to gain 5, which, according to the table, tells her that she can throw the tank 100 yards.
The following table details the distance that you can perceive through your eyes, ears or nose. Your Perceptive Capacity is equal to your (Perception + Awareness) / 2 + Epic Perception Successes.
This represents the distance you can see, hear, or smell with perfect clarity. It is entirely possible to see, hear, or smell from greater distances, but that increases the difficulty as determined by the storyteller.