Associated Abilities: Athletics, Integrity, Investigation, Melee, Occult, Presence
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Dexterity, Guardian, Justice, Psychopomp
Sraosha is the bringer of punishments for his Pantheon, executioner, among other, lesser forms of punishment. He ensures that the Divine laws are followed, and all that breach them receive their just punishment for doing so. He has no leniency in his duty, and holds no concept of giving an exception to someone. This role of his can cast him in a role of boogeyman of sorts for Yazata Scions who are slowly learning how to follow the tenants of their parents, something they will wish to get a quick grasp on, for not understanding the Divine laws is not an excuse, and neither is being born of a God or Goddess. His justice will find them all the same.
It has been prophicised that Sraosha, at the end of time, shall be the God who will strike down Angra Mainyu with the assistance of Angra Mainyu. Giving him a role of great importance in things that shall come to pass, and filling the Yazata with confidence that there is no doubt in their eventual victory.