Associated Abilities: Academics, Art, Fortitude, Medicine, Occult, Thrown
Associated Powers: Artistry, Epic Intelligence, Epic Stamina
One of the three brothers of art, Goibniu is a skilled craftsman of the Tuatha, bringing powerful weapons, and potent blessings to them in times of great conflict. He is proud of what he is capable of, especially when he and his brothers are working in tandem with each other, and a keeper of great secrets of crafting.
During the war with the Fomori, Goibniu forged for the Tuatha hundreds of spears that would slay anyone with a single blow, and then survived through a great effort of fortitude when a Formori spy, Brigid's son, drove one of the spears through his back. So stalwart, Goibniu withdrew the lethal weapon from himself, and with a great heave, impaled the fleeing spy, slaying him instantly. He is too the keeper of one of the Tuatha's most powerful Relics, creating magical mead that leaves all those who ingest it ageless, and invulnerable for a time.
The great smith of the Pantheon died to a painful disease that struck Dian Cecht dead as well. Now, Goibniu dwells in the Golden Dun with the rest of the Pantheon.