Out of the FOG support

A great resource for those with a family member who suffers from a personality disorder! This website has comprehensive, well-organized info on personality disorders and a discussion forum.


As described on their website:

Out of the FOG is an information site and support group offering help to family members and loved-ones of people who suffer from personality disorders.

Out of the FOG was written and developed by people who have experienced a relationship with a family member, spouse, or partner who suffers from a Personality Disorder.

Personality Disorders are serious mental-health conditions which affect millions of people and are often misunderstood and undiagnosed.

Personality Disorders negatively affect the quality of life not only of the people who suffer from them, but also their family members, spouses, partners, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

What is FOG?

The acronym FOG, for Fear, Obligation and Guilt, was first coined by Susan Forward & Donna Frazier in Emotional Blackmail and describes feelings that a person often has when in a relationship with someone who suffers from a personality disorder. Out of the FOG is named after this acronym.