
Monitoring is necessary if you continue in a relationship with a Sex Addict in order to ensure your physical safety and well-being.

Monitoring, as defined by, is having "access to all the information you need to make sure you are not being deceived."

This information includes the following:

    • Account information and passwords for cell phone records.

    • Account information and passwords for email accounts.

    • Account information and passwords for checkings, savings, investment, retirement and credit card accounts.

    • Regular credit reports for him (to ensure he doesn't open any new secret accounts).

    • Monitoring and safeguarding software for smart phone, tablet, and computer.

    • Parental controls on television, cable and other broadcast/internet movie access.

    • A polygraph may also be considered part of monitoring.

I encourage you to read the full article on monitoring here:

The commentary on the article is also MUST READ information.

A recovering sex addict will NOT balk about monitoring, because he knows this is necessary in order to rebuild trust in your relationship. If your husband refuses to cooperate with monitoring, that should be a sign that his recovery isn't sincere.

You may decide, as you contemplate monitoring, that you DON'T want to be cast in the role of his Mother (which may be a role he's put you into in your relationship anyway.) That's how I felt! You may decide you don't want to continue the relationship because it's too much work.

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