百花圃 / 2023 Creative Writing Award



Ng Xue Le (S1 Adelaide) 2020139

        “That’s not me.” I thought. 

        In front of me was a person that had a face that I see everytime I look in the mirror, but started to seem so unfamiliar. 

        All of a sudden, I couldn't comprehend what I was looking at. Her eyes, her mouth, her whole face stretched horizontally into a smile, or should it even be called a smile? It was an expression so purely sinister that I shivered, in spite of the suffocating heat in the afternoon. 

        I wanted to scream out loud. I could do just anything to escape from her presence. But I couldn’t. I was petrified. I couldn’t move an inch of my body, even my eyes were glued onto hers, forced to stare into the flickering light of her pupils, being swallowed by her overwhelming hatred. 

        Without warning, her hands came through the glass. She looked like she wanted to tear me apart. I felt her hands on my throat, slowly tightening her grip, suffocating me. I could feel clearly, how my lungs ran out of air, how my vision started to turn darker and darker. “Just make it end quickly…” 

        A few days later, in the hospital. 

        “What happened to her?” 

        “From what I’ve heard from her family member’s conversation, it seems like she stared at the mirror for too long and caused some kind of hallucination that terrified her into this state.” “...Are you serious?” 

        “Well, I couldn’t believe my ears too, you know…” While laughing, one of them looked at their reflection on the glass wall beside them for a second, and walked away with their friend. Little did they know, it looked at them and laughed too. ■