

The impact of Internet on teenagers

Lim Hui Ci (J3 Melbourne)

These days, the Internet has become globalized all around the world. It has impacted many people, from students to professional personnels, from the young to the elderly, everyone is using the Internet. The Internet has impacted teenagers the most, in terms of accessibility of information, addiction to social media and online games.

Firstly, teenagers rely too much on the Internet to get their information. Rather than reading a printed book or newspaper, they prefer to get their information online. This has impacted teenagers in a way that makes them heavily reliant on the Internet to get through their daily life or more importantly, their academics. Although it is much more convenient to find information online, sometimes, the sources online are not reliable.

Besides that, teenagers are now also addicted to social media. Social media is one of the many forms of entertainment that is accessible on the Internet. They share their daily lives for the whole world to see and comment on. Unfortunately, some teenagers will overshare personal or private information with a stranger that they feel like they are close with. These occurrences will both impact their mental health and privacy as people are now able to comment and insult them directly. Some might even start stalking them as well. As teenagers are very impressionable, what happens online will deeply affect their way of life, and in the worst case scenario, leave them traumatized.

Lastly, online games have become considerably addictive. Teenagers have also become increasingly addicted to this new form of entertainment due to the easy Internet access. This has resulted in many students neglecting their schoolwork and responsibilities to focus on gaming. Hence, online gaming has impacted their education and physical health greatly.

In conclusion, the Internet has brought negative impacts to teenagers, in terms of accessibility of information, addiction to social media and online games.The Internet is one of the greatest inventions mankind has ever invented. If teenagers know how to use it efficiently, I am sure they will accomplish great things in their lives.