百花圃 / 2023 Creative Writing Award


Beneath The Waves

Lim Jia Quan, Philip (S1 Chicago) 2020004

When skies are clear, when nature seems at ease, 

Your ship sits near the shore, assuredly safe. 

Amidst the peaceful movement of the breeze, 

Your anchor lies unused, beneath the waves. 

But when a raging tempest blows your way, 

And darkness fills the skies that once were clear, 

When storms of shadow kill the light of day, 

You're swept by overwhelming waves of fear. 

Yet as your ship is blown away from shore, 

Your anchor roots you firmly close to land. 

For buried deep into the ocean floor, 

The tempest cannot shake you where you stand. 

So why suppress your often anxious mind? 

The storms of dread and doubt will not die down. 

So then's the time for your courage to shine, 

Where terror is, there bravery is found. 

Embrace your fears of any shape or form, 

For only with those fears can you be brave. 

Amidst the haunting onset of the storm, 

Is courage anchored firm beneath the waves. ■