百花圃 / English Language Centre Short Story Competition 2021

Junior 3 Second Prize: Lee Eva (J3 Adelaide)


A girl sat by a body in front of a tall building, “Hey, wake up.” she called out to the body which was face flat on the ground. Instead of the person replying her, a dark cloaked figure illuminated in front of her.

With her quick reflexes, she skitted away from the dark cloaked figure. She attempted to pull the person beside her as well, but to her surprise, her fingers went right past the body. She looked at her fingers with confusion written all over her face but snapped out of her daze when she realized the cloaked figure closing in to the motionless person.

“Get away from her!” the girl raged out of instinct, she charged towards the cloaked figure with rapid speed, swiping her animal- like nails at the figure. However, the figure dodged her attacks and remained silent, letting her attack blindly.

Finally, the figure grabbed the girl’s wrist littered with scars of different colours and threw her across the street. Strangely, no one bothered them, even in the broad daylight. None offered to help nor stopped them, like a show no one is interested in.

The girl panted for air, beads of sweat showering her. The scorching sun and her insufficient stamina made her legs noodle. Yet she had not decided to leave the girl behind, like a chewed up gum, she stayed closer to the body.

Soon, swarms of people came, forming a circle. The crowds whispered while some screamed, the sound of sirens closing in. She thought that help had came, but realized the truth when the paramedics picked up the body beside her.

The cloaked figure lent out its hand to her, both of them disappearing as she looked at the body with regretful eyes. The body with her face on it.