百花圃 /
English Language Centre Poem Writing Competition 2021

Senior 1

/ First Prize / Emily Wong Wei Lyn (S1 Wellington)


Black white keys,
Under my fingers.
Calmness it brings,
Like a warm breeze.

Strummed metal strings,
Emotion springs.
Joy or sorrow,
Out it sings.

Music connects,
Both heart and soul.
Comfort and inspiration
How soothing it feels.

Rhythm and melody,
Memories it brings.
Together creating,
A unique symphony.

/ Second Prize / Yap Tong En (S1 Adelaide)

Empty Classrooms

As the sunlight piercing through,
The lonesome class is quiet.
Which once was filled with students,
around this time when the sun rises.

Time and life goes on
Trees and flowers flourishing all around,
Classrooms and School buildings standing tall,

Yet, these boards have no chalks.
The forgotten handouts on the desk
Even with the clock that still ticks.
The time seems to have stopped,
In our classrooms.

/ Third Prize / Lim Ming You (S1 Athens)


It sneaks through the shadow, flashes through the light
It flows through the earth, flies through the sky
It brought us merry, making us cherish
It brought us sorrow, making us perish.
It brings death, it born lives.
It heals pain, it seals hate

It is the greatest lord, with a double-edged sword.
Should it be a tyrant, cruel to all?
How about an angel, serving for all?
Treat him well, the return is yours.

Nothing is safe from its dominance
Everything is gained from its procedures
It can’t be defined by minds, neither science.
Comprehending it? don’t try it at all.
That’s the way it is.