百花圃 / 2023 Creative Writing Award


Whispers of Home

Lim Hong Xuan (J3 Washingtong) 2021110

Amid life's vast expanse, love binds my kin, 

Whispers of Home, where cherished memories begin. 

No rhymes compelled, free verse now flows, 

To express love's growth that in my heart glows. 

Family, my anchor, my guiding light, 

Through joys and sorrows, we take flight. 

No more than twenty lines, this poem shall be, 

Conveying the depth of love, for all to see. 

Their smiles and laughter, etched deep in my soul, 

Unbreakable bonds that make us whole. 

In their embrace, solace and peace reside, 

A haven of love, where hearts coincide. 

Through thick and thin, as one we stand, 

A symphony of love, united hand in hand. 

Gratitude fills my being for this cherished clan, 

Love's pure essence, our foundation's grand. 

To my family, this poem I humbly submit, 

A testament of love, its flame unlit. 

For the joy and comfort, they ever bestow, 

Whispers of Home, where our spirits forever grow. ■