百花圃 / English Language Centre Short Story Competition 2021

Senior 2 Third Prize: Jolynn Tan Ern Xin (S2 Melbourne)

The Tired Great Dane

Shouts, growls and barks rang through the alley, the smell of fresh blood and money gradually intensifying the atmosphere. Faced with a giant Mastiff, the Great Dane, who once thrived and was admired by many, was not so great anymore. As he stood up shakily, his wobbly legs failed to support his weight, resulting in him crashing down on the hard cement ground.

The canine’s owner, who was in jeans that were tied around by a flannel was starting to get agitated, worried that his bet was at a disadvantage, he swiftly took out a syringe of transparent liquid and injected it into the Great Dane. After feeling a pinch of pain, the Great Dane opened his eyes wide full of aggression. Pain and weariness were long forgotten as he put all his focus on the “threat” before him.

Saliva dripping, canines glaring, adrenaline rushing, the Great Dane rose as he had felt stronger, greater. He was subtly reminded of these short moments when he felt pleasure with a hint of euphoria, he was unstoppable, or was he? The Great Dane attacked wildly with all his might. Alas, what a waste! The Mastiff had avoided the attack that consumed half of the drugs, he then gave a hard blow to the Great Dane until he felt like he could no longer continue.

Saved by the sirens, sketchy men hurriedly ran away, taking up the Mastiff, some with pockets filled with big wads of cash, some cursing as their luck was on the contrary. Everybody was so busy saving themselves that they failed to notice the once mighty Great Dane crouching down on the blood pool he made, cold, tired, abandoned and alone. Defeated, he laid to rest, not knowing he will never wake up again.