百花圃 /
English Language Centre Poem Writing Competition 2021

Junior 3

/ First Prize / Leong Xin Yu (J3 Canberra)

World of Drawing

Where creativity comes first,
technique second.
Hop in to the drawing universe,
Let’s get us started.

Drawing has no limitation,
You just need a bit of inspiration.
There are no convolutions,
Anything drawn is your creation.

You could draw just anything imaginable,
A pandemic nearly insufferable,
A loving couple inseparable,
A dictator terrors intolerable.

A pen and paper is all you need,
Take small steps and repeat.
Slowly and surely,
You will enhance rapidly.

/ Second Prize / Low Ying Suen (J3 Adelaide)

Black Swan

Don’t be afraid to be unique,
Although your art will be critiqued,
Just remember it’s your technique,
Let it shine and their interest you will pique.

Her heart no longer beats to any compositions,
To operate her best is not an option,
It’s the death of her passion,
To cry out a silent cry is her choice of action.

Beauty and life fill the tides,
In the darkness they are out of sight,
The truth only reveals itself in the light,
And this light will lead to the happy gleam in your sight.

She decided that on her own two feet she will remain,
Dancing her last dance to prove her reign,
The ballerina recollects herself, her heart race she can’t contain,
Her passion is reignited, she is alive again.

/ Third Prize / Cheong Huui Nee Marsha (J3 Adelaide)

Late Night Sandwich

I reluctantly wake up from my slumber,
Nearly close to anger,
Glaring at the pale-skinned being who came over,
And is looking for something to curb his hunger.

I put together two slices of bread and some ingredients,
He ate it in one bite which is one of his talents,
“That was a delicious sandwich!” he compliments,
While we stand there in the kitchen of my apartment.

He washes down his meal with a gulp of coke,
And grins at me, showing his pointy teeth, which is no joke,
Giving me some excuses about some new rules which he has to invoke,
With a glint in his blood-red eyes, he disappears in a cloud of black smoke.

Armed with a gleaming crown that many have come to fear,
None of them are alive I hear,
Who is he you ask, as it isn’t clear,
Why that’s the devil himself, my dear.