百花圃 /
English Language Centre Poem Writing Competition 2021

Senior 2 & Senior 3

/ First Prize / Wong Zi Yi (S2 Adelaide)


I am a lonely rubescent paper boat
Floating leisurely in a rural stream
Listening to countrywomen's peaceful lullabies
And singing of canary with its beautiful vocalize

I am an incarnadine paper boat filled with fervour
Floating with a leaf in a meandering stream
Watching those cobs hugging their beloved pen
With their chubby cygnets in the center of them

I am a damping raggedy paper boat
Diving apacely into rushing torrent
Feeling the stimulation of speed and passion
And the howling wind blowing right onto my expression

I am pieces of shredded tattered paper
Who bodies had been rent by water
I lie peacefully on the river bed
And look at the blushing sunset
I wait for the moment when I buried in silt
And the arrival of endless darkness
Mixed with silence

/ Second Prize / Siew Yue Ying (S2 Washington)

Waiting for a train

In shadows, he waits, coming undone,
Waiting for a train that would never come.

Concrete walls swallowed him whole,
Songs lost, voice trapped in encore.
Symphony on the other side of the door,
Mocking him, ignoring his screams and claws.
Time passes like faces and fables,
Tragedies rewritten, pawns dance with no Will.

A wretched saviour, a hero to himself,
His charred reflection laughed, like Icarus he fell.
He burned and cried, he flew too close to the sun,
A broken songbird, and in death he was shunned.
A new song written, in Death's jail of mist,
Living always hurt, but nothing quite like this.

In shadows, he waits, with pain he can't outrun,
Waiting for a train that would never come.

/ Third Prize / Hew Jayne Sheyn (S2 Chicago)

What is happiness

What is happiness?

What is happiness, where is it from?
The feeling of love, it makes me feel warm.
A smile or a laugh, a gift from a friend,
Lights up the spark of joy throughout the day.

What is happiness, where is it from?
The feeling of care, it fills me with hope.
A small gesture of kindness can bring me to Utopia,
Engaging me in endless euphoria.

So what is happiness, and where is it from?
It is said to be simple, but does it last long?

/ Third Prize / Wee Yoon Ler (S3 Birmingham)

My Frantic Heart

My eye I shall see with,
My heart shall I feel with,
Frantically my heart is beating, from one two a thousand,
The pretences that I put up,
The lusty look of your even smile,
Flashy eyes where the kingdom bow,
Be my queen as I swore my vow.

My eye I saw with,
My heart I felt with,
I am a king,
Where everyone is clinging,
On you the stars are shining,
The queen for the king.

Through the rustic lens of time,
I broke free from the congestions of all biome,
Sprucing to you over and over as a palindrome.

Its my eye I shall see you with and my heart I should feel you with
Its I and You,
And that is all me and you.

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