百花圃 / English Language Centre Short Story Competition 2021

Senior 2 First Prize: Tan Wei Han (S2 Darwin)


Whilst the other agents were granted permission to return home for Christmas, I was tasked by the SCP Foundation to do a search and rescue mission on SCP-026.

SCP-026 was a public school building that was once bustling with students. But it was closed down and declared condemned ten years prior to today, due to the progressively unsettling anomalies that occurred within the building, followed by the deaths of two students which remained unsolved to this day.

My task was simple, to enter the school of unpredictable horror and retrieve a missing student. You see, a young boy, who had gone missing after the school closed down, was spotted unconscious in the building in previous explorations, but no rescue was attempted.

I walked into the timeworn building cautiously, shining my flashlight around to illuminate my surroundings. No light was able to get in the place as the windows were all boarded up. The paint was peeling off the walls and the whole place reeked of mold. As I walked around the building, searching for the boy, I noticed the distance between classrooms' doors was inconsistent, some close and some far. The floorplan didn't match up with the blueprint I was given either. How weird. I shone my flashlight into one of the dusty classrooms, and lo and behold, among the broken desks and chairs, the missing student was sitting stiffly in the darkness, covered in cobwebs and years worth of dust. I inched closer to him, planning to pick him up and retreat. Wait, something wasn't right. The boy seemed to be decomposing. I watched, traumatized at the horrifying sight, as the boy's body rapidly shriveled, disintegrating into ashes and settling onto the floor. I stared down at the remains of the boy, not knowing what to do next.