百花圃 / English Language Centre Short Story Competition 2021

Senior 1 Third Prize: Siah Xin Ying (S1 Melbourne)

The Wind

A fine sunny day, the Wind had come to work. He flowed drowsily and soon he met his first passenger. He gathered himself and said ‘Good morning, Ms Cloud, where can I take you?’ Despite his friendliness, Ms Cloud seemed a bit unapproachable. ‘The city’ she said. As an experienced driver, the Wind predicted what would happen. Indeed, when it was almost the destination, Ms Cloud’s face turned dark and started crying. The Wind quickly dropped her off and flew away. ‘Clouds are always so emotional’ he thought.

Through several back and forth, he finally got off work. Playing with humans was the most amusing entertainment. He liked to slap as hard as he could on a human's face, bringing dried leaves to humans’ backyards, especially the freshly cleaned ones and stealing childrens’ kites. Looking at those frustrating faces, he felt satisfied.

The Wind kept blowing when suddenly a cloud of black smoke bashed his face. He coughed violently. ‘Not again!’ It had been dozens of times that he ran into black smoke coming from human factories in a day. At once, he was struck by an idea.

At night, when everything was fast asleep, besides the clanking factory, the Wind was readying for something . He started to flow really fast, using as much force as he could to carry those fat grumpy cumulonimbus clouds to the top of the factory. Being disturbed when sleeping, soon they became really mad and firmly they transformed into a tornado.

Watching the tornado destroying the factory, hearing people screaming, the Wind laughed wickedly. ‘You deserved it’ he said.