百花圃 / English Language Centre Short Story Competition 2021

Junior 3 Third Prize: Lim Shi Yi (J3 Melbourne)


Situated in a dimly lit room as the unsettling silence echoed. The window left half-shut, allowing the cold air to slip in as the moon shines upon the dark sky. At a desk, where a blonde, pale-skinned boy sat. A light reflected onto his emerald-colored eyes as he stared at the monitor screen of a new model computer.

He felt a weight on his eyelids, signaling that it was his bedtime. He turned off the PC and laid in the cozy bed, allowing his mind to drift off as he fluttered his eyes shut.

"...George..." A whisper lingers.

He jolted his eyes open, reacting to the noise. Darkness. Panicking, he blinked again. Noticing the sight of a white speck glowing in the distance, he regulated the pounding in his chest. He deliberately narrowed the distance between them, as he attempted to fight the conjuring fear and anxiety simultaneously.

He paused. A familiar voice rang in his ear.


There stood a shining silhouette.

Tears escaped from his eyes as he felt his heart drop.


A reminiscent of euphoric memories flooded his mind, memories of the mother he long lost.

Lost in complete disbelief, he shifted closer towards the glowy silhouette. He wanted the person he loved the most to return by his side.

“...Ge...orge...” The voice began to crackle.

As the noise grew louder, the glow faded and darkness took over. Chills ran down his spine, heartbeat accelerating. Heavy breaths and endless murmuring. It got closer…

“No... no, please!” ...and closer...“S-stop... Please! NO!”

The warmth of his own tears covered his face as he woke up in relief. Fear lingered upon the remembrance of the horrendous nightmare he had. The tormenting experience was engraved in his memory—a trauma, continuingly haunting the blonde boy.