

Describe a movie or a book that you really enjoyed. Explain why you liked it so much.

< The Princess and the Frog >

Cheong Huui Nee Marsha (J3 Adelaide)

Since I was a child, I have basically grown up with the world of Disney. Although it may seem childish now, I know that I can always count on my comfort movies whenever I feel down. Out of the many spectacular and inspiring movies that Disney has produced, ‘The Princess and the Frog’ will always be at the top of my list.

‘The Princess and the Frog’ is about a hardworking woman gifted with cooking. She works day and night so that she can afford to buy an old building which she intends to turn into a restaurant. Then comes our dashing frog, the prince of a faraway country, whose hands have never seen a day of labor in his life.

When his path crosses with a dark magician who eventually turns him into a frog, this leads to the cursing of our aspiring restaurant owner. Consequently, both of them will have to work together to remove the curse and hopefully the barrier between their hearts.

As a child, all that I had ever wanted was to be a princess. I used to think that princesses had it easy since I would never be poisoned by an apple or have my voice stolen by an evil sea witch. But then came this movie and all my assumptions were shattered. This movie not only taught me that no matter how many people think you cannot do a certain thing, you will prove them wrong, but also that hard work and not taking the easy way will gradually pay off in the end. Even the lazy frog prince taught me that it is never too late to start changing and trying. Not only that, the animations and characters in this movie are my favourites among all the Disney movies.

I think that I am lucky to have grown up with such an inspiring movie and role model. In my opinion, no matter how many Disney movies that will come out in the future, I am sure that none of them will be able to top The Princess and the Frog.