School Vision, Values and Aims

Danestone School’s Vision Statement

Our school vision is to respect the rights of every child as we listen and care for each other.

We help each other to be the best we can be!

October 2022

Before the summer the pupils were discussing our Vision, Values and Aims and suggested that we created mascots for each of our values. This term, we held a competition to design value mascots. The designs were displayed in the hall and all pupils had the opportunity to vote for their favourite. We now have 5 new Values mascots.

Once we had our new mascots, we needed to redesign our celebration certificates. We have had VIP, Very Impressive Pupil certificates for a long time but the children wanted to include our new mascots. Primary 4 researched certificates and then used Google Slides to create new certificates. The winners of the mascot competition, then evaluated the designs and we created our new style certificates which will be presented at assemblies next term.

Primary 4 certificate designs

Values Certificates Oct 22

Primary 4 worked in pairs to use Google Slides to create updated certificates. The learned how to add images, add text boxes with borders and resize the text. We are very impressed the the quality of their work and look forward to using their designs to create our new certificates.

Feedback from our families

"The children have done an amazing job, I love the mascots and the P4 work online is great"

"I think they did a great job! I really like the new mascots"

P1-P3 VVA Slides
P4 - P7 VVA Slides