P3 Miss Didier 


For the first half of term 4, p3 was learning about materials. This was a fun topic as it involved experiments.

Materials P3


We have been working so hard on our Sense of Scotland project and we are very proud of all the work we have done. 

Sense of Scotland- pupil sides

9.2.23 Internet Safety Day 

We read a story about a magical window. Sometimes the window showed good and bad things. Taylor

The story was called Hanni and the Magical Window. Saanvi

The window was like the window on our computer. It had bad and good things in it. Nathan 

We were drawing things that were good and bad on the internet and we wrote about it. Muthuli

9.2.24 Gymnastics 

We had some visitors from RGU. They were teaching us how to do gymnastics. We were at different levels each time we switched. Some were on the bars, some were on the climbing frame and some were on the beam. It was a lot of fun. Maya

We had a lot of fun but it was it was their last day with us and we were really sad as they were really nice. Oliva

We were jumping on off the horse. Gregg. 

P3 Newsletter


Today we made soup, we used different types of vegetables from around Scotland. Raynesh

We made soup with carrots. We chopped then we got potatoes and chopped them up. Muthuli 

We were learning safety skills and how not to chop off your fingers. Liv and Max 

We put carrots, potatoes, celery, parsnips and blocks of stock into our soup. Brae 

It was really yummy. Jessica 

Lots of people tried it and liked it and some people didn't want to try it. Daniel 

When I tired it, it was kind of good and kind of bad. Jasmine


This week we had our Scottish Assembly. We have some very Courageous Crocodiles in our class who recited poems in front of the whole school and danced the Gay Gordons with P7. 

We were saying a poem about mince and tatties.- Olivia

We were saying a poem by J.K. Annand- Brae 

We were dancing in the hall.- Maya 

In the hall we were dancing to the Gay Gordons.- Millie

We were saying our Scottish poems and listening to other Scottish Poems.- Daniel 

It was really fun, we said poems and danced.- Jessica


Today we started the day with a 'making challenge'. We then had a big discussion about what skills we were working on as we were playing. 

When we were building we were problem solving. (Max)

We were doing teamwork and measuring. (Brae) 

We had to focus on making stuff, I was making chains. (Gabriela) 

I was making a big chain, I was focusing. (Millie) 

I did team work. (Ella)

I followed instructions to make a spiral with Kapla. (Callum) 

I was working on problem solving when I was threading. (Daniel) 

P3 Class Teacher Newsletter
P3 Newsletter Dec 23


We have been learning lots about forces, energy and stem this term. We have made some slides to share what we thought at the start of the project and what we learned. 

Energy, Forces, Stem- Pupil Slides


Ella, Annabel and Brae worked with Miss Fleming to share the highlights of their week. 

1.12.23 Open Morning 

Our visitors came to see how good our reading and writing are. Olivia

My mum helped me draw Traction Man for my comic. Gregg

They helped us write down our ideas. Will

They helped us read about Traction Man. Max

We were learning how to describe Traction Man and what he looks like on the outside and what he is like on the inside. I liked it when my mum came in. Callum

We were showing our parents and my sister how to use Link Maker Lion, Wordy Wolf and Summarising Squirrel. Jessica

Our parents were helping us to make a new story of where Traction Man was going to go and describing the place. Daniel


This week we made Google Slides to share the highlights of our learning. 

Our Week 20th November

16.11.23 Book Week

Our class loved sharing stories this week; the children shared book recommendations and discussed their favourite book characters. 

Book Week Celebrations-


We had boys come from RGU to teach us some exerises and games. It was really fun. Ella


Yesterday we made catapults, we made them in teams. They were made of elastic bands, wood and a plastic spoon. We used a pull and a push to fire the ball out of the catapult. Will 


This week we have been making helicopters to learn about forces. We were learning how air resistance and gravity moved the helicopter. Daniel

P3 Teacher Newsletter


We went into the Willow Den today and we did a number treasure hunt. Ella 

We had to count the tens and hundreds to get the answer. Jessica 

We did a number talk and counted the different parts of the number to get the whole number, the tens, the hundreds and the ones. Callum

Josh went to find them and I wrote them down. Max 

We were doing a number talk outside, then we had to look for the number on the card and we used it with our learning partner. It was fun solving the problem and at the end we checked our answers. Brae 

I was finding 12 of the cards and my learning partner found the other 12. It was fair that way. Raynesh. 


For our IDL topic we have been learning how to 'Make a World of Difference'. We have looked at our rights, kindness, democracy, opinions and validity of information. 

To Make a World of Difference


This term we have been reading George's Marvellous Medicine. We loved reading the story and finding out about what happened to Grandma. We used lots of different reading strategies to discuss the book. P3 were very excited to carry out their own science experiments from the book too.  

George's Marvellous Medicine


This week we used a Jamboard to reflect on our week and discuss the highlights of our learning. 

P3 Class Teacher Newsletter .pdf