
Action Plan Musicality

Feedback from Pupils June 23

Musicality Group.pdf
Musicality Newsletter
Life and Ethos 3 1.12.22.pdf

December 2022

The musicality group met today to discuss their Action Plan and how they would like to support others through music. The group identified that music is closely linked to your emotions and can make you feel happy, sad, tired, excited or scared. Pupils wanted to use music to help support others to regulate their emotions to help everyone to feel calm and relaxed. Our next steps will be to research mindfulness music and create QR codes for pupils to use in class when they feel it would be useful.

The group also wanted to promote the school values by using songs. This session they choose a song for courage and decided that they would like to create some actions and share it at a whole school assembly so they can teach it to others. 

November 2022

Today the Musicality group met to share their love of music! During our meet the group had an opportunity to share their talents. The pupils were so positive towards each other and it was lovely to see everyone working together.