
Vision Statement

Together we will develop skills for life in a high-quality learning and nurturing environment, meeting the needs of all. Our goal is to continue to raise attainment by being the best we can be.

“Be the best you can be

We aim to

be a happy and caring school

gain skills that help us now and in the future

listen to others and have our voices heard

accept challenges, aim high and believe in ourselves and others

care for ourselves, each other and the world around us

celebrate our own and others’ achievements

support everyone to make the right choices

have a healthy body and mind

include, respect and value everyone

take risks, try again and learn from our mistakes

Our Values






In Literacy we...

  • have lots of opportunities to access literacy across the school

  • explore books and do author studies

  • use lots of resources to help us practice spelling,

  • reading and writing

  • enjoy talking about our writing

  • have lots of books to choose from for all ages

  • can visit the library and borrow fiction, non-fiction,

  • magazines, newspapers, graphic novels etc

  • use active learning games and activities to help us

  • practice our spelling

  • use Nelson Handwriting in P3-7

  • enjoy presenting and giving talks

  • use talking partners and group work to help each other learn

  • take our learning outside

  • complete the First Ministers Reading Challenge in P3-7

  • invite parents in to share what we are learning

  • complete assessments to understand our learning

Literacy Guide for Parents

Nursery -Primary 3

Literacy Guide for Parents

Primary 4-7

N - P3 Literacy Guidelines for Parents.pdf
P4- 7 Literacy Guidelines for Parents.pdf

Summer holiday Reading Challenge

Please find the following link to our Reading Thinglink. Each number has a range of activities around reading which you and your child can engage with over the holidays. There are 7 links - one for each week of the holidays. We hope you enjoy these, and they encourage your child to keep reading and develop their love of books and reading skills.


The stars at the bottom link to E-sgoil which has an amazing range of learning activities around the Summer of Play.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday and hopefully lots of days lying in the sun reading!!!

Best wishes

Susan Blair