
Play is the Way! 

The importance of play is at the heart of our early years curriculum. 

Every child has the right to play and it is fundamental to the growth and development of the whole child. 

Play is an intrinsic part of human nature and development. Through play a child develops their cognitive, social, emotional and physical capacities. 

Each child's life story is complex with many influences and factors that shape who they are. At Danestone we believe that it is important to incorporate this into our ethos and to ensure we work closely with families  and carers to meet the individual needs of each child. Each child will have their own Personal Plan and will be allocated a staff member as their Key Worker and who will be aware of each child's unique developmental journey. Your child's Key Worker will work alongside Nursery colleagues and you to ensure that interactions and opportunities which match the needs of the child are planned and provided for. 

There are so many things that children need to learn and develop to be able to thrive in the modern world. 

A young child's development often involves repetition and cycle of actions and interactions. 

The main aspects of development are described and illustrated below. Each of these five areas link to each other with every child developing them differently and in different patterns. At Danestone we want to offer our children the opportunity to deepen and broaden their learning through high quality early learning provision and alongside strong partnerships with parents and care-givers. 

Executive Function and Self-regulation

Executive function involves developing the memory and ability to store and acces information. Self - regulation covers all the skills and processes that help us to staf safe and to get through the day.

Co-operative play requires executive function and self - regulation.  

Communication and Language 

Communication underlies our ability to manage behaviour and emotions. To express what we need and using language to regulate how we feel. 

Language is so much more than words and its importance in all aspects of a child's development cannot be overstated. 

Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity

Creativity is vital for all learning and the foundations are built from the child's earliest years. 

With curiosity and confidence we want children to learn and develop the skills they will need for their future self. 

Movement and Coordination

Fine and gross motor skills take lots of time and practice to develop. 

Our senses are linked to the bodies vestibular system which gives us our sense of balance and spatial awareness. The best ways for children to develop this system is through daily opportunities for physical play, especially outdoors. 

Self and Social Development

As children develop, they have the dual task of developing a secure sense of self, and of discovering how to be with others and do things collectively. As they get older they become more and more social, eventually taking part in different play sequences with different roles and a shared understanding of rules. 

Danestone Early Learning Centre Action Plan 2022 - 23 

Danestone School ELC SQUIP 2022 2023 (1).pdf
Nursery Handbook