Primary 2
Miss Miller
Welcome to our P2 class blog.
We will be sharing regular updates about our learning throughout the year.
Our final mini topic this year was based on Our Natural world. We investigated what makes something alive, food chains and what helps plants grow. We have made a slideshow of our ideas.
This term we have been working very hard on a mini project about Jack and the Beanstalk. We made a Slideshow to share some of the things we did.
For the pupil choice context topic, the children choose to learn about life under the sea. The children loved this topic and sharing their own knowledge with others. We have made a Google slide show to share our learning.
01.06.23 Outdoor Maths
What were we learning today?
Primary 2 were revising their numbers to 100 outside today. They worked in small groups with Miss McLoughlin to revise writing, ordering and counting up to 100.
How did we revise our numbers to 100?
We played snakes and ladders.
We used chalk to write our numbers on the ground.
We used whiteboard pens to fill in the missing numbers on empty grids.
We used number tiles to order our numbers to 100.
We went on a class trip to the beach. We found lots of shells. Millie
We found lots of coloured shells. Callum
Rachel showed us ray and shark eggs. Rae
I lost my bucket, the sea came and got it when I was trying to wash two massive shells. Ryan
We have learning about money and I liked it because you play games and you can make numbers with real money. Jessica
We were using food to make a total in shop and we gave people money and had to work out the change we get. Ella
We were given a number and we had to work out the number using pennies. We played Monopoly and we tried to work out how much money we needed to give the banker. Claire
We were working out different coins we can use to make an amount. Ethan
This month we have been learning about different people's jobs.
Our first visitor was from the NHS. She told us lots of facts about the hospital. They wash over a million things a year. Jordan
We had a visit from the fire brigade. They brought their fire truck to school. They told us about the tools they use to fight fires and let us sit inside the fire truck. Caleb
Forbes' dad came to do experiments with us. We got to blow bubbles into a cup. He told us about his job. Jessica
We had a visit from a doctor from the Danestone doctors. She showed us her tools. If you are really ill you might need an injection or an operation. Raynesh
A vet nurse brought her guinea pigs in to us. They were so cute. They are fluffy and their teeth don't stop growing. She showed us how they weigh them. Max
Ellie's mum told us that her job is to help raise money to help people when they are not feeling good. She walked over fire! Daniel
27.04.23 Numeracy - Data Handling
In Maths with Miss McLoughlin, P2 have been learning about different ways that we collect information. They created their own tally charts with their learning partners and asked their peers 'What is your favourite food?'. They then used tally marks to record people's responses. We had to remember to record our tally marks in groups of 5 to make it easier to count them!
Our second IDL topic this term has been 'Step Back in Time.' We have loved learning all about the medieval times and what it was like to live and work in a castle. We made some Google Slides to share our learning. We also wanted to share our Loose Parts Castle designs as we has so much fun making them.
This term our first IDL topic was 'Our Planet and Beyond.' We made some Google Slides to share what we learnt.
To celebrate World Book day we came to school wearing our pyjamas. We went to a special place to read, it had beds and cushions to lie on and fancy lights. Will
P5 gave us a mystery book with some clues to help us guess the title. We then went outside with P2/3 and had a booknic. Claire
We made characters from book using pegs. We had Darth Vadar, Elsa, The Tiger Who came to Tea, Hermione Grainger, Anna, Zog, Tabby Mc Tat, Bella the Fairy, Tinkerbell, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile, 101 Dalmatians, Thing 2 and Kitty and the Clock. They were amazing!
We made long worms and measured them against each other. We sorted them using the words big, little, longest and shortest.
We have measured lots of things. We measured dinosaurs using cubes. We estimated how tall something was, then measured it with our learning partners. Forbes, Daniel and Miss Miller
This term we have been doing lots of sports; tennis, football and rugby.
We played football with some P6 and P5/6 buddies. They were teaching how to pass the ball to each other and how to play a match.
We had a professional coach named Kevin come to our school to teach us how to play rugby. We had to hold the ball with the pointy bit out during Flamingo tag. We were doing relay races- running and touching a cone with a ball. Ava, Ryan, Jordan
This week we have been writing our own version of Pie Corbett's Six Ways to Look at the Moon. We all shared our ideas to make a giant poem and Ethan typed it up for us.
Today our buddies came to help us learn about constellations. They are stars that turn into a shape. You joined them together to make picture. One star tells you where north is. It is called Polaris. Ethan and Claire.

We have been working with our buddies to create stories based on the Danestone Values. We met together to share out ideas then the our buddies typed them up on the computer. Finally we worked together to add the pictures.
When we were at our Christmas party we were playing lots of games then at the end we were doing a big conga. Millie
We took part in the Bethlehem Bake-off. The P3s had the talking parts to do and the rest of the P1s-P3s were singing the songs. Ava
We found a stick in the Willow Den and used it as a broom. We rode the broom and we were the actors to tell the Room on the Broom story. (Will)
We read Tyrannosaurus Drip because we were learning about Anti-bullying. The dinosaur were not being nice to him(Claire)
We shared kind words that the dinosaurs could have used instead.
Last term P2 worked hard making a Google slide show to share our learning about our Caring and Sharing context.

We were learning about Diwali. It is the festival of light. (Raynesh)
We made Rangoli patterns. They are patterns where the colours coordinate and the colour is beautiful. They are usually at the front door. (Claire)
They have bright colours. (Daniel)
The bright colours look like a rainbow. (Ella)
We went to the Willow Den to learn about quarters and halves. We used hoops, stick and leaves to show the fractions. (Ryan)
We have been reading the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. We used Picture Panda to help us draw a picture of where Mr Grinling lives and his lighthouse. (Annabel)
We used Predicting Parrot to say what we thought would happen. (Caleb)
We used Eagle Eye to think about what Mr Grinling does- he shouts! (Callum)
20.9.22- Open Morning
The grown ups came in. I liked making the sandwich. (Jessica)
We were learning that we need to wash our hands. We made a poster about how to wash your hands. (Claire)
I like to make and eat sandwiches. (Olivia)
I liked doing the sums with my mum. (Annabel)
We were learning different ways to carry a teddy bear. (Ava)
You can blow the teddy bear to move it. (Ellis)
8.9.22 Moon Festival Celebrations
We made a moon cake in a flower shape with playdough. (Olivia)
August 2022
We have been working very hard to create our class charter. At Danestone we try to be the best we can be, so we have lots of bees in our charter. We decided what rights are the most important for us in school and worked out ways to respect these rights.