Our Community

Being part of the Danestone community is important to us and we know we are an important to the community around us.

Friday 24th June 2022 Dress in Green for Barnardo's

Barnardo's thank you Letter
Thank you poster.pdf

On Friday 24th June, we all dressed in Green to support our local Barnardo's. It was really great to be able to support a local charity.

Sports Day 2022 Highlights.mov

Sports Day

May 2022

This month we were thrilled to invite parents and families back into school for this years Sports Day!

The Nursery and P1-7 pupils had the opportunity to compete in track races that included a running race, egg and spoon, skipping, a sack race and even a partner race. Field Events this year included javelin, shot putt, hurdles and a tyre turn.

In the afternoon the Castles split up into two sub groups and completed 12 different challenges to earn as many Castle points as they could.

It was so lovely to have parents and families back into school cheering everyone on and enjoying the sunshine! A huge thank you to everyone that came along and supported us.

An even bigger congratulations to Fyvie who were this years Sports Day winners!

Rotary Quiz

April 2022

This term Primary 7 were thrilled to enter a team into this year's Rortary Quiz. The Primary 7’s attended a weekly lunchtime club and joined a Google Classroom to help them prepare for the Quiz. After a practice Quiz a team of 4 were chosen to be our Danestone representatives.

The quiz was held at Breahead school and P7 teams from across the ASG were there. The quiz consisted of 10 rounds of 6 questions. Questions included general knowledge, the body, maths, literature, geography and history. Our Danestone team did exceptionally well and came second overall.

Well done to all the Primary 7’s that were involved!

WOW Week 2022

April 2022

To celebrate our World of Work Week this year we were lucky enough to have a variety of speakers visit classes in school. During their visit they shared all about the journeys into their careers, what skills they use, what their essential attributes are and what a typical day is like for them.

The pupils really enjoyed learning more about different careers and making links with their own interests to their dream jobs.

Thank you to everyone that supported us during the week!

#DYW #SkillsforLifelongLearningandWork

WOW Week Highlights 2022.mov
Festive trail map-2.pdf

Better Bridge of Don

Big Light Switch On

December 2021

We were all super thrilled to be part of the Better Bridge of Don Christmas Trail this year. As part of the community festive celebrations, pupils were asked to create a outdoor decoration for the community tree competition and create a display for the BOD Christmas Trail.

Outdoor Decoration Competition

To get into the festive spirit pupils from Nursery to Primary 7 were asked to design a outdoor decoration for the BOD Christmas tree at St Columba's church. Castle Captains and Vice Captains had the very trick job of deciding who their winners were from Nursery, Primary 1-3 and Primary 4-7. Our winners were invited to the Big Light Switch on at St Columba's church as they had the very special task of placing their decoration on the community tree themselves. It was lovely to see all the decorations from all the competition winners and the decorations certainly made the tree extra special for Christmas.

Christmas Trail

Schools, community groups and businesses were asked to participate in the Christmas Trail by creating a display showcasing a letter. Pupils and families can follow the trail, collect each of the letters and decipher the Christmas message. Pupils from Primary 7 decided to create a beautiful Danestone bauble wreath to display our letter. The group did a fantastic job working together and problem solving throughout their project. Follow the trail around the Bridge of Don to see all the displays and have a look at our Danestone display.

If you would like to complete the trail the map is below. The trail will be available from he 5th-20th of December 2021.


Poppy Scotland

In the days leading up to Remembrance Day on 11 November, the pupils learned about the poppy and found out that it is a symbol to remember those who have lost their lives in conflicts around the world. It also represents the contribution of families and of the emergency services.

Our P7 pupils sold Poppies around the school and we raised £114.05 to help provide support to the Armed Forces Community in Scotland.

One Planet Picnic September 2021

Tuesday 14th September

Today we held our first ever One planet Picnic and it was wonderful. The pupils organised a picnic that met 5 main criteria -

  1. Local and seasonal foods - what grows well in Scotland and the UK?

  2. Organically grown - food that looks after the soil and wildlife too.

  3. Ethically traded - food that respects the people who produce it.

  4. Reduce packaging waste - especially single use plastic.

  5. Reduce food waste - it makes sense!

We made some links with members of our community who provided fruit and vegetables from their allotments. We also linked with a local shop specialising in local produce who helped us source a range of fruit and vegetables. We bought our flour and sugar from a store which doesn't use plastic and we filled up our reusable containers.

The 'Picnic' group met to discuss the menu and created some fantastic food for us all to taste.


Carrot cake- made by picnic group using local carrots grown in local area

Courgette cake – made by picnic group using courgettes grown locally

Tomato relish – made with tomatoes grown by one of our P5's grandparents

Oatcakes – made in Scotland purchased from farm shop

Potato cakes made with potatoes grown by one of our P5's grandparents

Fruit- grown locally and purchased from Mad Potato. (the fruit that couldn’t be grown locally has been transported using freight to minimise impact on the environment. Most of the fruit and vegetables are organic )

All the pupils took their own reusable water bottle and plastic plate, so we had no cups and plates going in the rubbish bin. The left over food (and there wasn't much of that!!) went in food waste bags to be recycled.

The whole afternoon was a huge success and we have already started talking about growing our own food for the next picnic.

Update - We have had a lot of parents asking us for our recipes because their children loved the food so much!

We found all our recipes online and have shared the links below. If you decide to make your own cake or relish at home, we would love to see some photos. Please email them to the school at any time.

Term 1 August 2021

AFCCT - Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust

This session our older pupils are working with Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust to improve relationships across P5-7. Last session our pupils shared their experiences of Covid and lockdown and expressed a need to improve relationships that had suffered due to the restrictions. AFCCT delivers a programme to support Relationships, Teamwork, Communication and Respect, so we thought this would be an ideal support for our pupils. This was paid for using our PEF funding.

May 2021

18.05.21 P2/3 - We have been thinking about what it means to be an inclusive school. We talked about how we can include people in our school and in our community. We discussed who could've felt left out in our community during Covid-19. We know that we didn't like online learning! It is tough not to see our family and friends! We have a lovely care home in our community that we loved to visit before all of the restrictions. All of the carers has done such a great job looking after our older community members that live there. We had the idea of sending them a card, sharing a virtual cup of tea with the residents of Fairview Care Home, telling them a little bit about us and sharing some news. We hope they like it! We had lots of fun creating these. It was great to see the children working on these with so much effort and care. Well done boys and girls!

May 2021

Primary 6/7 have been exploring Article 31- Every child has the right to rest, relax, play and to take part in cultural and creative activities. The part they wanted to investigate in more detail was 'take part in cultural and creative activities'. To start things off they decided to investigate what cultural activities were happening in Aberdeen and that was when they found out about the Aberdeen Art Gallery, artist in residence - Maja Zeco. They were delighted when they were able to arrange a Google Meet with Maja to learn more about how she was taking art into the community.

On Thursday 29th April, P6/7 were lucky to have a live Google Meet with Maja Zećo. Maja talked to us about being an artist and what she does. It was very interesting finding out about her job and how she helps share her work with the people of Aberdeen. She inspired us to create our own art.

Find out what our ECO committee have been doing to protect our local community. Click this link

Christmas 2020 - our Foodbank appeal displayed the kindness and generosity of our families. We collected a large number of donations for our local foodbank.