Primary 5
Miss Docherty
24.05.23 - IDL (Trip to Gordon Highlanders Museum)
We took a visit to the Gordon Highlanders Museum today linked with our previous World War Two topic. We got to learn about all of the other important battles the battalions were involved in and even got to experience a replica trench! It was really interesting to hear all of the stories of the artefacts and what life in trenches must have been like.
31.03.23 IDL (Literacy, Numeracy, Expressive Arts, Geography, History)
Our topic has been A Step Back in Time. We chose to learn all about World War Two, considering what happened and how it might have looked at home.
"I liked seeing all of the stuff that people brought in from the war and learning about the different battles." - Ollie
"I enjoyed learning about evacuation and I really liked creating the suitcases." - Alexis
25.01.23 - IDL (Art, Music, ICT)
To celebrate Robert Burns day, P5 played some games and learnt about his life through videos and songs. We learned a Scottish themed song from Brave to sing at assembly and even made some art using Robert Burns's portrait!
23.01.23 - Art
As part of our IDL topic, P5 has been looking at how different colours affect light. We decided to make stained glass pictures for our Scottish art display, using plastic and coloured pens to create the effect. We found out that it was tricky to stop the pens from smudging and not make the sections of stained glass too small!
"I liked going over all of the lines with pen and getting to colour it in." - Alexander
"It was really fun getting to draw on the plastic. I found colouring in the water quite tricky." - Mya
21.12.22 - IDL (Writing, Science, Listening & Talking)
There was a Christmas catastrophe in Primary 5 this week! We arrived in our classroom to find that all of our decorations and our advent calendar had been stolen. Immediately we used our investigation and interview skills to find the culprit, analysing fingerprints and looking for clues. Eventually the CCTV was sent to us and we found out it was Mr Farquhar! We wrote newspaper articles about the events and included quotes from other teachers and Mr Farquhar's apology letter.
"I thought that it was a lot of investigating to find out who it was. It was tricky to find a lot of the clues." - Chloe.
"I enjoyed taking pictures for evidence and watching the CCTV and trying to guess who it was." - Amber
13.12.22 - IDL (Performance)
Some cheerful faces before our Christmas performance! We got to experience script-writing, editing, drama, music, dancing and art through our Christmas show, Bah Humbug!
15.11.22 - IDL (Music, Literacy, Health and Wellbeing)
For Anti-bullying Week, P5 were learning how someone who is being bullied might feel. We listened to the song "Invisible" by Hunter Hayes and discussed how the song and the lyrics made us feel. We then highlighted important lines and used them to create some anti-bullying posters.
"The song makes me feel sad because people feel that way." - Amber
"The song makes you feel hopeful." - Cameron
14.10.22 - Literacy
P5 have been studying Wonder as our class novel this term. We have really enjoyed learning all about Auggie and exploring the themes of kindness and being different in the book. We have also been able to learn all about the six reading strategies!
We have evidenced all of our wonderful learning in these Google Slides. Have a look!
"I really like the characters and how they all have a different story." - Abby
"Wonder taught us about being kind." - Grace
Feedback from our families
"I think it was a brilliant piece of work. It was well thought out and very informative. I am glad you all reached a good decision and made sure that Auggie was included in school."
"Really good. I enjoyed looking through it all"
14.10.22 - IDL (ICT, Literacy, Expressive Arts)
LI: We are learning to use editing software.
P5 have been using ICT skills to create some stop motion videos. We started by visualising characters and scenes from Wonder to create backgrounds and figures to use. We chose parts of the text that were particularly important and highlighted them to create speech bubbles, which we then used to recreate some of the scenes.
We got to explore lots of different elements of iMovie including adding pictures and sound, using transitions and making clips longer or shorter.
We are planning to use the Friendship Monsters we created with our P2/3 buddies to make stop motion videos all about friendship!
07.10.22 - Buddies (IDL)
P5 have been having a wonderful term with their buddies. We have been teaching them what makes a good friend as part of our IDL topic, which has been focussing on positive relationships and qualities.
"I like being a good role model to my buddy." - Mya
"Having a buddy means you get to show them what you're learning." - Ollie