
The Forest Class (AM) Newsletter
The Minibeasts (PM) Newsletter
Nursery Newsletter – April 2021.pdf
AM Nursery Newsletter
PM Nursery Newsletter
AM Nursery Newsletter- Jan
PM Nursery Newsletter- Jan


November 2020

Tug of War

We have been learning all about forces so we tested out our strength with some tug of war! the children had fun pulling and we tried different amounts at each side. We even had a try at beating Mrs Smith!



We make healthy choices for snack and know our likes and dislikes. We have been getting better at trying new things.


Willow Den

We now have a swing in the Willow Den! We used our balancing skills and know how to make it move by ourselves. We also know where to stand to wait so that we are safe.


The children really enjoy taking part in yoga sessions. There is always a story to go along with it and they enjoy being the characters.

October 2020

Willow Den

As we introduce new equipment to the Willow Den the children are continuously having to listen carefully to follow instructions and rules to keep them safe. They are good are reminding their friends on how to use the equipment properly and take their time to get on and off. Here the children are enjoying our new hammock. This is a lovely space for the children to take some time out to relax in such a busy environment but it is also great for a swing too! The children are gentle when pushing and listen to their friends when they want them to slow down or stop.

Role Play

Our role play area has been a hospital the past few weeks as this was identified as somewhere that keeps us safe and the people who work there also keep us safe. The children have been taking care of the dolls and each other. We have discussed x-rays, heart beats and body parts.


Snack time is a lovely time for children to develop so many skills without realising. They have been using the tongs and forks to pick up food, developing their fine motor skills, as well as their communication skills- asking for something and using their manners. It is a great opportunity for social interaction.

September 2020

Wheelie Wednesdays!

We have been out on the trikes, balance bikes and scooters on Wednesdays. We have great fun! Lots of skills being developed as well as some exercise to keep our bodies healthy.

We have been speaking about how we use the bikes safely and why it is important to wear a helmet to protect our heads. Working on our balancing and gross motor skills will help us maneuver the bikes more easily. We enjoy doing different activities and games on them too.

Snack Time

We have been taking it in turns to share the choices for snack each week. We have been talking about what is good for our bodies and what is not so good. The children were good at identifying different fruits and vegetables and know their likes and dislikes. They do know that it is OK to have some treats now and again though! :-)

August 2020

We have had a busy start to nursery this year getting our Willow Den ready for lots of exploring, learning and play.

Our first job was to make sure this was a safe place to play. The boys and girls worked together to clear away some of the weeds and litter.

We have been talking lots about staying safe, at nursery and outwith. The children were good at identifying the different things that keep us safe on a daily basis including our houses, our families and other people who may keep us safe as part of their job.

The children have been busy building houses out of different materials and experimenting to see if the were strong enough to keep us safe.