Primary 4

P4 May Newsletter

May 2021

This term we are learning all about fractions. We have enjoyed engaging in outdoor learning sessions to develop and challenge our knowledge. We have also been able to support and encourage each other during paired and group games.

May-June 2021

This term we have especially enjoyed engaging in a series of workshops led by The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. The online workshops have enabled the children to investigate, study and explore a variety of topics within the context of the Giant Pandas in China. As part of a follow up activity the children enjoyed creating their own panda artwork.

Primary 4 Class Newsletter.pdf

18.3.21 Some wonderful descriptive writing about the Danestone area

Danestone is a place where wildlife is respected. The River Don flows through the heart of the community. The

Weather is never good but that does not stop us from protecting our community. We have all sorts of trees and flowers. Danestone is a kind community with generous people. Danestone is a wonderful place to live in!

P4 Feb Newsletter


P4 have been using adjectives to describe Danestone.

Sharing the learning


The children were asked to create a fact file to showcase their learning of Earthworms this week (HWB). Jack drew a super picture of an Earthworm and then used an app to animate his image. It really did make Miss Stevenson smile and she thought it was such a clever way of presenting what he had learnt.

Winter Poetry by P4 February 2021

Primary_4_Winter_is_ (1).mp4
P4 January Newsletter

22.11.20 Primary Four Spreads Some Kindness

This as part of our anti-bullying assembly the children decided to spread some kindness around our class by writing anonymous compliments to each other. The children absolutely loved this activity and it really did bring a smile to each child's face when they read their compliments.

16.11.20 The Cog Model and Mr Jelly

This week the children have been exploring how the cog model works as a whole. They also developed their understanding of the intensity cog by attempting to describe and recognise the intensity of emotions in both fictional and real contexts.

The children were able to relate the events which took place in Mr Jelly's story to the cog model whilst also identifying the intensity of his emotions during the story.

09.11.20 Primary Four think about the Grey Cog

This week the children have been learning about the Grey Cog (intensity of feelings i.e. How big? How Strong? How Much?

The children created their own Wellbeing Webs using the SHANNARI Indicators.

The children also enjoyed looking at how the final cog in the model connects with the others.

01.11.20 Primary 4 think about the blue cog

Primary 4 thought about different ways to regulate their emotions today. We all practiced breathing exercises and reflected on some things that work for us when we need to calm down or feel better. They were:

* Yoga

* Speaking to a friend

* Speaking to an adult

* Getting or giving a hug

* Playing a game

06.11.20 P4 Virtual Visit to Macduff Aquarium

Unfortunately due to the current restrictions educational trips are unable to go ahead. The children loved engaging with the live dive session at Macduff Aquarium last week as part of Aberdeen's Techfest program. The children said they found the experience very calming as they learnt about the different species and their habitat.

30.10.20 P4 stands up to bullying!

Today Primary 4 took a stand against all forms of bullying.

After taking part in a range of activities Primary 4 took their pledge against bullying.

It was great to see everyone speaking to passionately about why this is such an important matter.

Outdoor Learning


This term the children have really enjoyed exploring concepts of our Place Value topic through outdoor learning. Each week they have had the opportunity to engaged in different outdoor learning activities to challenge and develop their understanding. Mrs Lesley our PSA has really enjoyed supporting the children in these lessons and seen a huge improvement in concentration, team building and resilience.

Growth Mindset 'The Learning Pit'


This week we have been exploring what feelings and emotions we experience when we are attempting to master a new skill. This could be in school or at home. We spoke about how mistakes in our learning can lead to success in our learning by exploring a 'Learning Pit'. A Learning Pit encourages everyone to step out of their comfort zone. It supports a culture of challenge, curiosity, reflection and resilience. Please use the link below for more information.



Primary 4 today reflected on how we can all feel a wide variety of emotions in a day. We discussed that emotions often change with different triggers and we thought about how we felt today.

Primary 4 then created these wonderful pieces of art inspired by this topic and chose emojis that represented how they had felt today.


Emotion Works Cog Model

This week the children have been learning about the different cogs and their purpose. The children were able to use their models to describe a personal experience and explain the role that each cog played in their experience.

07.09.20 Healthy Lifestyles (Safety Topic)

Over the coming weeks the children will be engaging in a mini safety topic. This week the class used the Emotion Works cogs to brainstorm words for what safe feels, looks and sounds like.

The children also discussed and gave reasons for why certain places could be deemed safe or unsafe.

Understanding the Emotion Works 5 Cog model. 04.09.20

Our emotions are often 'triggered' by things. Once we understand the trigger we might feel different in our bodies. Next we can name our emotions and sometimes we act in certain ways. If we want to stop we need to know how to regulate ourselves.

This is what Primary 4 has been learning about during their HWB Emotion Works lesson this week!

Corona Coasters! 04.09.20

Primary 4 have been reflecting on their time during lockdown.

Some great things happened, like birthdays!! And there was some not so good times too.

They drew 'Corona coasters to represent how all of those emotions felt to them.


"Our Favourite things "

Primary 4 spent time getting to know each other and their teaching staff at Danestone.

We watched the Sound of Music's famous scene where Julie Andrew's sings about her favourite things. We decided to share our favourite things with each other and went outside to draw them with chalk.

When we came back inside we each drew a picture of something that was important to us and then shared it with others.

We decided that it can help when you feel sad to think about your favourite things.