Primary 3

26.05.21 - Rhythm workshop
Aberdeen City Music Services visited our class today to give us a drumming workshop! We had so much fun trying to keep to the beat and making lots of noise! Thank you to Mrs Rose, Mr Walker and Mr Nicol.
Sports Day - May 2021
Primary 3 had a fantastic time taking part in our school sports day. We didn't let the rain put us off either as we competed in sprints, hula-hoop races, hurdles and standing jumps! Well done Primary 3!
19.05.21 - Rights of the child
In Primary 3 we have been learning about our rights and applying them to different scenarios. This week we looked at Shrek and the rights he lost when the fairytale creatures were sent to his swamp.

19.04.21 - Outdoor numeracy
For maths week Primary 3 made a number trail for the nursery children. We designed a number of maths challenges for them and created posters for them to follow around our willow den. We hope the nursery children enjoyed our number trail!

P3 04/12/20 - In Primary 3 we have been revisiting all of the emotion work cogs. We had a discussion in class about what each of the cogs represent and how we can use them to help us. The class then used a template to show how they feel today going through different emotions and ways of coping with how they feel.
Give a little love
P3 27/11/20 - This week we linked our reading task to our emotion works program. We watched the John Lewis advert 'Give a Little Love' to see the different kind of emotions the characters felt during the advert and wrote these inside our orange cog. We also added pictures and descriptions of things we can do at Danestone to make people feel loved.
Indoor Yoga
P3 19/11/20 - This week we have been doing some Cosmic Kids Yoga in our class. Yoga is a great activity on a rainy day and helps us all relax. Our yoga class this week had a Minecraft theme which the children loved. There were lots of zombie and skeleton actions going on in Primary 3!
Emotion Works
P3 13/11/20 - We are continuing to work on our emotion works program during this term. This encourages the class to talk about their feelings and different methods of dealing with our emotions. Recently we have been discussing our blue cog, which is for regulation strategies. It has been great learning about the different ways we can help ourselves feel better.
Rights Respecting Mascot
P3 6/11/20 - This week in Primary 3 we have been creating their own Rights Mascot. The mascots have body parts which show our rights, for example a house body to show our right to shelter. The children had so much fun making their mascots and having a class discussion about our rights. Their drawings will now be part of an all school competition to pick our new school mascot. Good luck P3!
Anti-Bullying pledge
P3 30/10/20 - This week Primary 3 took the pledge against bullying. We watched The Big Assembly on Anti-Bullying and had lots of discussion about what bullying is and how it makes people feel. The class also filled out their own individual pledge that they have taken home with them.
The Blue Cross Animal Charity - being safe around dogs.
P3 had a very interesting and informative virtual talk from Paul at the Blue Cross. He shared with us some very easy tips to help us keep safe around dogs. We learned some super rhymes to make sure we remembered the most sensible things to do around our own and other dogs.
Stand Still and Chill!
We learned that keep still and queit with our eyes shut is a safe thing to do.
Be a stone!
What to do if a dog is getting a little too boisterous or angry around us.
The children listened so carefully to simple safety rhymes such as,
If a dog has a toy, leave her be so she can enjoy!
We learned that dogs are amazing animals and we were able to share our pet names and why we love them.
P3 18/09/20 - This week in Primary 3 we have been discussing our rights and what we are entitled to. The children have really enjoyed having a discussion and listening to the We Have Rights song. We created lovely rainbow drawings and listed some of our rights.
Outdoor PE
P3 11/09/20 - Primary 3 have really enjoyed relay racing when learning about running and agility. The children have been running, hopping, skipping and even running backwards as part of the race!